Tell a story

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Liberation, in Apocyan

Each person had their own revolution. You might contribute yours.

Challenge information

Narrow, Advancing the Liberation of Night: Unknown Difficulty Level


Yours, ours

You sit near the fire and walk through all of it [...] Things that before would have had you arrested. [...] [E]xiled. [D]ead at a Licentiate's hands. [...] They were your actions, either way; now they are everyone's.


What remains

You [...] let it all out: the shock, the confusion. [...] The dislocation. The grief [...].

[...], this perspective might mark you as an enemy. But the Liberation, [...] simply absorbs your long-held fears. Weaves them into a story that is no longer your story.