The Cup and the Moon

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description depends on your An Invitation for Respite in the Moon quality.

1The Moon is a forlorn affair: stranded captains drink the cellars dry, […]. Harried servers and smugglers dart between tables […]. All the while, the windows fog up with spray from below and mist rolls through the open door, occluding all in gloom.
5"I feel I've woken from a dream. […] Bats in the dark; promises betrayed. […] We'll drown ere we're saved."

[…] "[…] I've no more idea of which way is up and which way down […]." […] If there was ever a moment to impart sage advice, this would be it.

9[...] "I worry about the whale's body. My grandfather exploded, they say.. all the gases building in his coffin. We should have sent it to the French court." She giggles. "Invented boules."

"I don't know what to do from here, [...] So we might as well get drunk."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with An Invitation for Respite in the Moon 1-9

Locked with Firmament 201

Storylet appears in The Midnight Moon

An Invitation for Respite in the Moon 1

Track down the Last Duchess

An Invitation for Respite in the Moon 5

Draw on your experience at Port Carnelian
Draw on your experience as head of the Great Hellbound Railway Board
Draw on your experience as a citizen
Whispered secret TC.png
Say nothing

An Invitation for Respite in the Moon 9

Request she drink with you alone
Drink with her in company
Leave her to it