The Rat Market (Guide)/Calculators
Since the rework of the Rat Market, the amount of Rat-Shillings received per item sold is somewhat more difficult to calculate. In general, items receive a 32% markup until you hit 65,000 Rat Market Saturation (or 625 in base value sold), then a 12% markup until you hit 180,000 Rat Market Saturation, (or 1,800 in base value sold). After 180,000, you simply receive the echo value of the item in Rat-Shillings. Neither the order of sale, the number of items you sell at once, nor the exact mix of items used has any effect on the total shillings gained; it is simply a product of the total echo value of all items sold. These calculators will take all that into account for you. Note that Fourth-City Echoes are excluded from all these calculations, as those are always sold for 125 shillings and neither benefit from nor add to saturation. A Mate-Pair refers to the bundeled exchange of a Queen & Epaulette mate to the infrequent Tipster. Their quirky, totaled value, earned them unique sections in the calculators below.
Number of Turn-Ins Required[edit]
This form calculates the number of items you'd have to sell to the Rat Market to hit a certain target of Rat-Shillings.
template = Template:Calculator/GetTurnInsForRatShillings form = TurnInsRequired result = TurnInsRequiredResult param = target|Target number of Rat-Shillings|10000|int|1-83460 param = currentShillings|Current number of Rat-Shillings|0|int|0-90000 param = saturation|Current amount of Rat Market Saturation|0|int|0-800000 param = itemtier|Item type needed to hit goal|T5|buttonselect|T5,T6,T7,Mate-Pair
Rat-Shillings by Turn-In[edit]
This form calculates the number of Rat-Shillings you'd receive if you sold the given number of items to the rats.
template = Template:Calculator/Get Rat-Shillings From Turn-Ins form = RatShillingsEarned result = RatShillingsEarnedResult param = saturation|Current amount of Rat Market Saturation|0|int|0-800000 param = t5s|Number of T5 items (worth 12.50) to sell|0|int|0-640 param = t6s|Number of T6 items (worth 62.50) to sell|0|int|0-128 param = t7s|Number of T7 items (worth 312.50) to sell|0|int|0-26 param = mp|Number of Mate-Pairs (worth 50.00) to sell|0|int|0-160