The Rites of St Stalactite

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: An Audience with the Abbot-Commander

You have an eye for the Shapeling Arts. Many of the monks show signs – the Abbot-Commander most of all. Where did they learn the practice?

Unlocked with Shapeling Arts

Locked with Invitation to a Pilgrimage


An imposing form

The Abbot-Commander smiles broadly. "The saint shapes those who shape themselves. [...] with his guidance, we can make ourselves anew." He rises [...] with surprising dexterity. "You may find the pilgrim's path illuminating, if you earn the right to walk it."
  • Newgatecellarsmall.png The Abbot-Commander understands your interest in the Shattered Citadel. (Sets Invitation to a Pilgrimage to 1 - The Abbot-Commander understands your interest in the Shattered Citadel)