The Rockpools of Zenith

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description varies with your level of The Secret Ways of Zenith.

The Secret Ways of ZenithDescription
0Reddish water spills from the gates of the High Sancta […] as though the temple produces bloody drool from its lips.

[…] pools, buried in the rocks […] Violant dreams in rockpools. Perhaps only here has Zenith unwittingly given up some of its hoarded secrets.

5The Illuminated is old […] His Miser is similar, its carapace dull and its eyes rheumy. Neither notices you, or if they do, choose not to pay you any heed. Guiding the Miser by its flank, the Illuminated simply steers it towards the waterside.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Investigate the Pools

Storylet appears in Zenith


Observe the pools
Whispered secret TC.png
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