To Wolfstack Docks!

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Ceremony

The captain waits for you at the end of the pier. The waves glisten. A two-chimneyed steamer huffs magisterially out to zee.

Game Instructions: You will lose a point of Notability.

Unlocked with Images of a Wedding: exactly 2 - They show the Acacia dock where you wed. In the distance, a stately steamer strikes across the glooming zee-waves

Wiki note: In fact Notability is lost as part of the prior social action. No further Notability is lost as a result of this action.


An unexpected choir

The captain's voice and sou'wester both crack with zee-salt.[…] He looks awkwardly […]at his feet when you kiss. Your beloved's lips are soft upon yours, and a frisky zee-breeze plays at you. In the shadows under the pier, the Drownies begin to sing.

[Find the rest of the story at]

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