
From Fallen London Wiki

holy shit i get a user page? nifty.

anyways, hi. i'm moko, a being of vaguely masculine yet indeterminable gender (ideally, anyways. the beard throws off the 'vaguely masculine' bit). i've been playing fallen london for the past few years, largely on my main Mr. Rosies, but recently i've opened up an alt account, The Mute Scoundrel, for more RP heavy stuff. i've used the wiki the past year or so, so i figure i might as well help out. i largely just comment storylets and result text that haven't been put on the wiki yet, particularly for new players because of the alt i made.

outside of fallen london, i do a whole lot of video games (mix of everything, from peggle to DUSK to stardew valley to retro game emulators, nintendo can't stop me), some more technical savvy stuff, and anything to do with vincent 'vinesauce' pizzapasta. love that guy. also love to cook, go to EDM concerts, and question our place in this universe.

as mentioned above, my main two accounts are Mr. Rosies and The Mute Scoundrel, the former being my first account and the latter being my hopefully rp heavy alt account. Mr. Rosies is essentially a correspondent mad scientist being living in a diving suit, so plenty of disregards to physical safety and a distinct lack of knowledge as to how humans actually operate. very endgame character, i'm slowly working through paramount presence and poet-laureate 21, after which i'll probably beginning alternating either firkin or hellworm and defender of public safety 21.

on the other hand, The Mute Scoundrel is decidedly almost the opposite of Mr. Rosies. short, violent, heterochromatic eyes, basically a port of one of my favorite comfort characters (and the one i've written the longest and most consistently on tumblr). i'm planning for the character to eventually become a great game aligned midnighter, which does mean ending the cheesemonger story, sadly. no more favors for me i guess. send a calling card to them, i'd love to write them some more.

fun fact: did you know that teletubbies have forward facing eyes with round pupils, thus implying they are predators that actively chase down prey? something to keep in mind.

also i dont know how to delete that image i uploaded that was originally on this page, i got rid of it from the user page but not from the whole wiki. it'll stand as a monument to me messing around with the wiki, i guess