A Brief Comedy

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Show your Film!

Special effects! Slapstick! You cannot promise that there will be custard, but you cannot promise that there won't be either.


Reels of horror

The business with the custard goes down a storm[…]

Mrs Plenty's clowns were a mistake. […] Only the sequence with the cage, the stick, and the Rubbery Man revives spirits. Her Majesty has, apparently, rarely been happier.

Description summary:
The showing is a roaring success! Except the clowns. There is a great fear of Mrs Plenty's clowns at Court and the big screen does them no favours. But the moment passes, and even the Empress herself is in high spirits by the end.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]