A Cold Night (Card)

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The icy fog cuts like a sharp word. Best stay inside and shovel coal into the fire.

Unlocked with Route: Lodgings

Locked with Befriending a Rooftop Urchin, Tutorial: The New Way (hidden)

Card drawn in Spite

Occurs with Abundant Frequency (5 x as common as Standard)


Mmmm... what? Eh?
  •  Spoiler 


    Challenge information

    Broad, Shadowy 5 || 3 - tough (36%) || 4 - very chancy (48%) || 5 - chancy (60%) || 6 - very modest (72%) || 7 - low-risk (84%) || 8 - straightforward (96%) || 9 - straightforward (100%)


    A frozen little sparrow


    Nothing there
