A straightforward approach... Get close and watch

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Area-diving: Casing the Target

You need to make sure you're not spotted.

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 24

  • 17 - very chancy (42%)
  • 21 - chancy (52%)
  • 25 - modest (62%)
  • 29 - very modest (72%)
  • 33 - low-risk (82%)
  • 37 - straightforward (92%)
  • 40 - straightforward (100%)


That's worth knowing...

You watch the servants' movements.
  • Sidebarshadowysmall.png Shadowy is increasing…
  • Questionsmall.png Error, Casing... is neither a quality nor an item. Please check if Casing... exists, and if it doesn't please create it with the appropriate template.


That was close—

One of them frowned at you as if she recognised you. Best cool it off a little.