Address the main usher 1

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Foyer of the Magistracy

Despite standing silently beside you, he is succeeding in making his presence very known.

Game Instructions: This will gain you Incendiary Gossip.

Locked with Spoken to the Usher (hidden)



[…] "Yes, this is the finest […] court house outside London […] we handle all legal cases that are not… […]Suitable for sending into London."

Did the judiciary build this place, then, or the police? "[…] Not at all. But we do fit right in. Like it's made for us!"

Description summary:
The usher appears to rehearse a well-repeated line until he mentions the legal cases. He does mention that although London did not build this place, the constabulary, magistracy and advocacy are somehow instinctively comfortable with it.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Foyer of the Magistracy