Ambition: Nemesis – last traces
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The interior of the jar you found is streaked with faint traces of dried honey. After all these years, are these traces still any use?
Unlocked with Traces of Red Honey exactly 1,
Ambition: Nemesis - Forgotten Quarter exactly 4
Find someone who can help
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Watchful 60 || 41 - very chancy (41%) || 51 - chancy (51%) || 61 - modest (61%) || 71 - very modest (71%) || 81 - low-risk (81%) || 91 - straightforward (91%) || 100 - straightforward (100%)
A tenuous hope
Success Instructions: You can unlock the way to the University through the Watchful storyline, 'A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets', if you haven't already.
Watchful is increasing…
Ambition: Nemesis - Forgotten Quarter has increased to 5 - You found a lead at the University!
An appalling cloud of ignorance
Nightmares is increasing… (+1 CP)
Call in favours
- Spoiler Unlocked with
1 x Favours: Criminals
A tenuous hope
Success Instructions: You can unlock the way to the University through the Watchful storyline, 'A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets', if you haven't already.
Ambition: Nemesis - Forgotten Quarter has increased to 5 - You found a lead at the University!
You've lost 1 x Favours: Criminals