Ambition: Nemesis – the Cage-Garden 1
From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
A dank but serene place with a mossy fountain […]. Dark hives of bees humming on the far side. Dozens of cages […] each has its prisoner […] their dull, hollow faces turned to you. Bees buzz to and from the cages –
[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with Ambition: Nemesis - Shuttered Palace exactly 5
Storylet appears in The Shuttered Palace
Strike him down!
- Spoiler
Challenge information
Dangerous 63 || 44 - very chancy (41%) || 54 - chancy (51%) || 65 - modest (61%) || 75 - very modest (71%) || 86 - low-risk (81%) || 96 - straightforward (91%) || 105 - straightforward (100%)
Dangerous is increasing…
Magnanimous is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
Ambition: Nemesis - Shuttered Palace has increased to 7!
A man of caution
Dangerous is increasing…
Nightmares is increasing… (+1 CP)