Ambition Nemesis – Reckless Abandon

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
Description varies with A Cardinal Sin.

1You arrive at the location of the ball at a fashionable hour. Your coach stops outside the gates […]: a long neglected graveyard. Silence shrouds the empty graves. Not a single lantern has been lit to light the way to whatever revels are held here.
5[…] a wild party swings out of control. Masked dancers, all carrying knives, dance wild jigs over tombstones laid into the ground. They clash their knives […].

[…] In alcoves masked attendees whisper to each other confessions of grim deeds to come.

10[…] "[…]I choose seven each year to taste the honey. Seven have been chosen; you are not one of them." You make your case, low and plaintive. He must have more of the honey, or knows where it can be acquired. He shakes his head again. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Attend a clandestine party

Storylet appears in Your Lodgings

A Cardinal Sin 1

Search the graveyard

A Cardinal Sin 5

Make discreet inquiries

A Cardinal Sin 10

Convince the Procurer of your character
Blackmail the Procurer into telling you
Furnish the Procurer with your credentials