An especial appetite

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Literary Ambitions

Action Cost: 2

A tomb-colonist! One of the bandaged dead, visiting London on dusty and peculiar business. "An epitaph," she hisses. "Something to carve above my front door. Something in the manner of Pope. Augustan, do you know? A pastiche."

Unlocked with The Airs of London 91

Challenge information

Broad, Persuasive 7

  • 5 - very chancy (42%)
  • 6 - chancy (51%)
  • 8 - modest (68%)
  • 9 - very modest (77%)
  • 10 - low-risk (85%)
  • 11 - straightforward (94%)
  • 12 - straightforward (100%)


You do know, as it happens

Heroic couplets and a pastoral theme. You bang it out in a couple of hours over a half-bottle of Greyfields. Your patron might smile: or perhaps her skull is tenanted by worms. It's hard to be sure. Her gold is icy cold, but it spends as well as any.


You do know, but...

...pastiching another poet, of however beloved memory, is a tiresome task. You are seized by inspiration and veer into originality. […] "No," she hisses. "If I had wanted innovation, I would have left him his tongue." Who? What? […]

[Find the rest of the story at]