An initial visit with January (forced)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Summons

Best reintroduce yourself.

Unlocked with Leader of the Tracklayers January

Wiki note: The non-autofire version of this action is An initial visit with January.


A familiar welcome

Description summary:
The description varies based on the city's Founding Body.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Founding BodyDescription
Furnace Ancona; Furnace Ancona, Starved[...] You could swear she knew you were coming [...] "The place is darkening," [...] and she means it in a good way. [...] There's a cooperative spirit in the population; it's kept the city from going too strange too quickly. January has had time to plan and think and build.
Cornelius[...] peppers her conversation with snide asides about Cornelius. Did you know [...] the pipe fittings are made of bone? Would you have guessed that laboratories could pop into existence spontaneously on every street corner, the way tea shops do in other cities? [...]
Your Own Double[...] she just watches you a while, as though the sight of you amuses her. [...] in your clothing and your attitudes and even your scars [...] explanation for the city she lives in every day. [...] "You make an okay city. Small. Prouder than you've earned. But functional."
The Double of the Manager of the Royal Beth[...] makes you tea, talks about [...] challenges of civic illumination, and peppers her conversation with snide asides about the Manager. Quite a historic-feeling city, this. So old-fashioned. Such a lot of polished brass. So many fingers on all the pedestrians.

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