Appoint a Dream-dwelling Carnivorous Aurochs
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Appointing a Church Mouse
A Church grim of your own. Though, admittedly, this one is grimmer than most.
Game Instructions: The Aurochs will increase the Iconoclasm and the Isolationism of your church.
Unlocked with Dream-dwelling Carnivorous Aurochs
The Church-Aurochs
"And he promises to behave himself, does he?" she asks after a fortifying gin. "That's good, that's very good. I think I'm going to go and have a little lie down." The Aurochs remains in the mirror, keeping watch over all that passes in the room. [...]You've gained 1 x Church: Iconoclasm
You've gained 1 x Church: Isolationism
The Dream-dwelling Carnivorous Aurochs is your official church mouse. (Sets
Church Mouse to 3 - A Carnivorous Dream-Dwelling Aurochs)
You've gained 1 x Burrow Lock (hidden)