Approach the source of the ominous humming

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Tournament of the Sciences: (Any Faction)

It has been growing across the work bays all morning. The electric lights above the Eagle's stations are flickering and you can feel static in the air.

Unlocked with Science: Schedule 2, Science: The Story So Far exactly 2

Locked with Science: Allegiance Swap (hidden)


Blue and gold

[…]a closed bay in the Eagle's shipyard[…] whole yard is illuminated in an electric blue[…] explosion […]

[…]a vast device[…] sits smoking in the Eagle's bay[…] Constables are here, closing the doors and carrying away the confiscated remnants of the machine.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: New leads for Huffam's story are now available throughout Fallen London. He may be able to point you towards likely opportunities.