The Sixth Coil (historical)

From Fallen London Wiki

The Tiger Keeper rises to his hind legs. "London!" He is bellowing now, gold eyes alight with zeal. "The Sixth Coil is opening at last!โ€

The Sixth Coil was a one-off festival in Fallen London, which began on the 1st of August 1899 (2024). As with previous Estivals, six new items were available to purchase for Estival Tokens alongside items from past Estivals and elections, and players were given 30 of these at the beginning of the festival. Furthermore, as a followup to the migration of the Strangling Willow Ring and Winking Gemstone Ring to the new Adornment slot, these rings could be traded for new Gloves with the same stats, the Censor's Touch and the Cautious Bracer. The new items were:

In a variation on previous Estivals, the Sixth Coil brought back some of the competitive elements of the elections[1] in the form of the Coilheart Games and ran on a developer-determined schedule rather than stages being triggered by World Qualities.[2]


"this is concerning."

โ€“ Sacchi[3]

As a prelude to the events of the festival, on the 22nd a new event-specific recurring dream became available; Having Recurring Dreams: the Forests of the Night, with the card A Dream of Wanting in which you dreamt of heading through a black-and-orange jungle to your lover on the other side, hunted by an enemy that resembled you exactly.

1 August[edit]

"oh no the army of tiger orphans we sold have come back for a reckoning"

โ€“ Pyronar[4]

The event began at 11:00 UTC, with an army of finely dressed orphans - implied to be the Winsome Dispossessed Orphans once offered to the Court of the Wakeful Eye for Tribute in vast quantities - spreading leaflets, and also gemstones. This was followed by the Tiger Keeper (referred to by his full, very long title) announcing the Coilheart Games and the opening of the Sixth Coil of The Labyrinth of Tigers - with some of its riches to be claimed by the Games' victors. After that, Mr Huffam approached the player asking for help investigating the Sixth Coil; this was the beginning of the festival's clue hunt.

Initially, only seven clues were available, with game instructions letting players know that more would become available as the games progressed.

At around 12:33 UTC, all seven clues had been reported the requisite number of times[14].

In addition to the clue hunt, the structure of the festival was revealed both on Discord[15] and in the announcement page[16]; four Tournaments, of the Sciences, Imagination, Intellect and the Body, running for three days each and starting at noon BST (11:00 UTC) on the 3rd. It was also revealed in-game that delegations from the tournament would be coming from the Khanate, the Tomb-Colonies, the Court of the Wakeful Eye and even the Surface; and it was revealed on Discord[17] that more things would be happening before the first tournament started.

At 21:00 UTC, 10 hours after the event opened, the World Quality The Games Approach reached 10 and unlocked Burning Bright, in which the Court of the Wakeful Eye's delegation arrived. This unlocked a new option on the Entrepreneurs and Opportunism storylet, adding Rat on a String to the Bottle of Greyfields 1879, Primordial Shriek and Moon-Pearl already available within.

2 August[edit]

"the Khanate does not have robots; just a guard with a fancy sword"

โ€“ Graham, The Soul Proprietor[18]

"The tomb-colonists have a spiked monowheel, they're automatically the best now."

โ€“ Roland Jones (IGN)[19]

At 6:00 UTC, 19 hours after the event opened, the World Quality The Games Approach reached 19 and unlocked Eagle's Splendour, in which the Khanate's Eagle Clan delegation arrived. This unlocked a new option on the Entrepreneurs and Opportunism storylet, adding Whispered Hint to the available items.

At 16:00 UTC, 29 hours after the event opened, the World Quality The Games Approach reached 29 and unlocked Memento Mori, in which the Tomb-Colonies delegation arrived. This unlocked a new option on the Entrepreneurs and Opportunism storylet, adding Rostygold to the available items.

3 August[edit]

"As above, so below. Therefore something incredibly stupid is also happening in the High Wilderness version of the olympics"

โ€“ The Fluid Professor[20]

"the historical writeup on the wiki is going to be insane. so many quotes about how much we lost our minds over koloma"

โ€“ Yinsie (IGN)[21]


At 1:00 UTC, the Surface delegation arrived from the Koloman Republic, with a most unusual flag. The community immediately went feral over them.[22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. Wild speculation about them ensued, with many initially believing them to be spies due to descriptions of them having wildly different languages and cultural norms. Some claimed the Republic was named for Coloman, King of Hungary[29] but eventually the consensus on the etymology settled on Coloman of Stockerau, an Irish saint hanged near Vienna after being mistaken for a spy, based on symbols associated with him appearing on the flag.[30]. The Kolomans also brought a new option to Entrepreneurs and Opportunism which paid in Cryptic Clues.

The Opening Ceremony[edit]

"i like that 'the summer curse' is implied to be a thing known to londonders at this point"

โ€“ mouseyMoment[31]

At 11:00 UTC, the opening ceremony of the Coilheart Games began. After people packed themselves into the newly-constructed amphitheatre, the Tiger Keeper began to give a speech from the ostentatiously gold-lined mosaic floor. Alas, this was interrupted by the ground shaking, prompting panic and recollections of Estival disasters past. The Tiger Keeper called for calm, and claimed this was merely the Sixth Coil stirring in anticipation of the glories of the Games. Despite this still being a really concerning thing for someone to say about the building everyone was currently on top of, people calmed down for long enough for the speech to finish. After a brief tour of the celebrations, and encounters with Mr Huffam - although no new clues became available - and the Tiger Keeper (who seemed to be avoiding his own Court's delegation) it was time for the Tournament of Sciences.

At this point, the continuation of the new recurring dream, Having Recurring Dreams: the Forests of the Night also became available; A Dream of Armistice, in which you dreamt of making your way to your love across a burning battlefield, and ominously ended with the phrase "Only you can open the world to them."

A Tournament of the Sciences[edit]

"I'm gonna collect all 77 she/they Cackling Mechanics"

โ€“ Passion (she/her)[32]

For the first tournament, the delegations were tasked with building a boat to zail from the poisonous waters by the Second City Sere Palace along Hellish canals to the Unterzee. For this tournament, the tigers bowed out (as they famously cannot operate a ship by themselves without thumbs) and the Khanate delegation split into teams representing the Eagle and Tortoise Clans. Players could choose to support any of the four teams, raising the Science: Aiding the (team name) World Qualities with options randomised by Airs of the Games, by spending Casing... to report on what other teams were doing, or by completing a new research in the Lab and reporting back to them about it. There was also an option to offer material assistance in the form of various high-value items, which promised multiplicative effects on the team's progress and could only be played three times; however, this was initially locked behind Science: Schedule.

Each of the options to support the teams rewarded the player with varying amounts of Coilheart Renown, which could be exchanged for various rewards in The Bounties of the Coil in The Labyrinth of Tigers, most notably The Distinction of the Waking Fire, a Dangerous, Dreaded and Nightmares-reducing event-exclusive Adornment for 20000 x Coilheart Renown.

Action Cost Reward
Claim an insensible quantity of fighting-weasels 1500 30 x Araby Fighting-Weasel
Claim a grubby urchin 2440
Claim a bevy of shattered mirrors 2500 50 x Memory of Light
Claim a box marked 'exhibit enrichment' 4000
Claim an assortment of jewels 5150
Claim a glittering fragment 6250 1 x Mountain-sherd
Claim a sacred mystery 31250 1 x Elemental Secret

At 11:54 UTC, LukeFBG confirmed that there would not be any unique reward for backing the winning team.[33]. The tomb-colonist delegation took an early lead, with the Kolomanians trailing a little behind them. Speculation was prompted[34][35] when the Koloman Republic was described as landlocked and as having canals that reached the Adriatic Sea. By the end of the day, the Tomb-Colonists led the competition by about 7,000 points.

4 August[edit]

"sadly not everyone has millions of bejewelled lenses lying around"

โ€“ Phoenix๐Ÿข๐Ÿฆ…, The Fourteenth Month[36]

The Tomb-Colonists continued to grow their lead over the other factions throughout the day. At 23:00 UTC, the second stage of the Tournament of the Sciences began with a bang - literally. A previously concealed device in the Eagle area exploded, with the wreckage being promptly confiscated by the Constables. Of course, Mr Huffam was very interested in this, and so a second clue hunt began.

In addition to the clue hunt, the second stage unlocked the options to render material assistance; the use of these briefly bought the Republic the lead[44] before the Tomb-Colonists reclaimed it again.

5 August[edit]

"woah woah woah i just got on for the first time since yesterday evening what is this ominous humming ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ"

โ€“ tom (GOOSE GANG๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿ†)[45]

At 00:27 UTC, it was noticed that the final clue had already been found and turned in by a person or persons unknown.[46] At 00:50, ted claimed that his friend had found the final clue.[47] A few minutes later, The Revered Abolitionist confirmed the existence of the clue with a screenshot.[48] The clue, Lead: Strands of the Motherlings, had been missed by others searching the Symposium because it required having completed the Exceptional Story The Web of the Motherlings. At around 6:05 UTC, all seven clues reached completion.

A Tournament of the Imagination[edit]

"Ofc sheโ€™s a dick in the jungle too" followed by a screenshot of Tend the Captivating Princess' Dream-Garden

โ€“ Fluffernutter[49]

At 11:00 UTC, the second Tournament began, with the Court of the Wakeful Eye, the Koloman Republic, the Eagle Clan and a coterie of local Bohemians competing to produce the greatest creative work. In addition to Airs-based options and a locked material assistance option similar to the Tournament of the Sciences, there was an option to aid your team by shaping the dreams of the Captivating Princess with a new Oneiropomping option that was soon confirmed to be permanent[50]. After a brief period of the Republic being in the lead[51], the Bohemians quickly outpaced them.

At 12:54, LukeFBG confirmed that there were further QLDs beyond that for turning in 7 clues, but no other reward.[52]

6 August[edit]

"It's inefficient, but flavorful. And I wouldn't call her evil, not in earshot.

I'm sure you wouldn't want to be a flower."

โ€“ IGN: Qu1cKsAnD ( :goosewine: )[53]

The Bohemians' lead in the Tournament of the Imagination continued to grow, as the new interactions with the Koloman Republic provided new contradictory information and prompted further questions about whether or not they actually existed.[54]. The discussion quickly shifted focus when the Tournament of the Sciences concluded.

A Tournament Concluded[edit]

The Sixth Coil - The Tournament of Science.png

"true Vital Intelligence can only be manufactured in the Vitalia Valley region up in the Kolomanian Alps!"

โ€“ ribbenquall,committed Kolomaniac[55]

"The whole thing is sus. I don't trust the Tigers as far I can throw them."

โ€“ Malitia from the Darkness ๐Ÿฆ‹[56]

At 11:00 UTC, the Tournament of the Sciences reached its conclusion, with the Tomb-Colonists winning. After a rant from the Cackling Mechanic, medals were handed out. Then a firework rose from the vicinity of the Labyrinth, exploding into a Correspondence sigil meaning 'To Assemble a Heart from Dust', which prompted speculation.[57][58] Players received rewards from the faction they had supported, with the Koloman reward - Vital Intelligence, a Great Game item - prompting further discussion as to whether they were spies or faking their country for another reason.[59]

A Tournament of the Imagination: Self-Sabotage[edit]

"guys i'm starting to think this whole sixth coil business might not be entirely on the level"

โ€“ The Visceral Sybarite[60]

At 23:00 UTC, the Tournament of the Imagination was interrupted by a row between the Striped Officiant and the Pantherine Impressionist as the former gave the latter a letter from the Banded Prince himself ordering her to cover up her existing painting and replace it with something worse. Of course, this was of interest to Mr Huffam, and so began the third clue hunt.

In the midst of the hunt, it was noticed that the Sixth Coil's doors now had a glowing sigil on their upper-left.[71], and there was a new option to Warn London of the dangers of the Games[72]. At 23:57, a new QLD for An Investigative Journalist: was found with all 21 clues[73].

The revelation that the tigers had held opening games for the Sixth Coil in previous cities, deliberately lost them, and were trying to deliberately lose these too, prompted many to switch from trying to ensure they lost out of spite to trying to ensure they won out of spite.[74][75][76][77][78].

In addition to the clue hunt, this unlocked the material assisstance option for the tournament.

7 August[edit]

"[stumbles in covered in blood] hey is there a new qvd for getting all the clues, y/n"

โ€“ party boat 2024 ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿท๐ŸŒ™[79]

At around 1:30 UTC, all seven clues were completed.

A Tournament of the Intellect[edit]

"Intellect has been Lamp Cats vs people who want Tigers Dead"

โ€“ JotaToxic (IGN)[80]

At 11:00 UTC, the third tournament began. It took the form of a chess tournament in Spite, with issues caused by the many wildly incompatible chess rulesets of the Neath - not to mention the Koloman Republic's famous six-sided chess. Delegations came from the Court of the Wakeful Eye, the Koloman Republic, the Eagle Clan and the Principles of Coral. The Principles and the Court soon had a substantial lead over the other teams, with the Principles only a little ahead of the Court.

In addition to the usual Airs options and locked materials option, players could assist their chosen team by teaching them lessons learned playing chess against the Boatman, or regaling them with tales of victory from The Moonlit Chessboard in Parabola. This prompted complaints[81][82], as many had interpreted the announcement's talk of being able to "[o]ffer your allies chess tips from the Boatman" as implying an option requiring The Boatman's Opponent 40, whereas this was actually gained from playing chess against the Boatman during the event and thus made harder by higher The Boatman's Opponent. In response to these complaints, a new event-exclusive option was added at 12:35 UTC[83] which was designed to avoid both the economy rewards and the menaces of the usual The Boatman's Opponent 40 option.[84].

8 August[edit]

Over the course of the morning, the Principles' lead over the Court grew.

A Second Tournament Concluded[edit]

"forbidden Fingerking x Tiger star crossed lovers cmon lets goooo"

โ€“ Selm.wave [IGN: Alectos][85]

The Sixth Coil - The Tournament of Imagination.png

At 11:00 UTC, the Tournament of the Imagination reached its conclusion, with the Bohemians Planetary Society for the Advancement of the Arts Cosmic Unity for the Progression of Aesthetics winning with their play The Heart is the Heart is the Heart. The Bohemians' celebration was interrupted by another Correspondence firework, this one meaning 'The Moment Before Two Hearts Touch'. A few minutes later, the presence of a second sigil on the Sixth Coil's doors was reported[86].

After the Tournament of Imagination ended, the Court began to catch up to the Principles.

A Tournament of the Intellect: Cover Blown[edit]


โ€“ InfiniteJustine[87]

At 23:00 UTC, the Koloman delegation's leading members - the Sun-Kissed Polymath and the Rogue Translator - found themselves on opposite sides of a chessboard. They immediately began arguing, before the Polymath revealed a Corresponding Sounder-like device that fed him orders from the Surface, accused the Translator of having one too, and stormed off. The entirely foreseeable revelation that the Koloman Republic delegation were all Surface spies prompted another clue hunt.

The seventh clue would not be found until the next day, with a delay caused by someone reporting a fake clue, completed with forged screenshot.

With the unlocking of material contributions, the Court of the Wakeful Eye almost immediately claimed the lead from the Principles of Coral[94]

9 August[edit]

"is this whole debacle a notable part of estival proceedings in lieu of anything else

"meanwhile, while things were otherwise quiet, the community found ways to keep busy" or something"

โ€“ catherine (nyanbinyary)[95]

At 00:01 UTC, the seventh clue, Lead: A Visitor's Ignorance was reported[96] by DisplacedLabRat in Sinning Jenny's Finishing School; at around 00:20 UTC, all seven clues were fully reported. At around 1:20 UTC, Intellect: Aiding the Tigers overtook Intellect: Aiding the Principles of Coral, cementing the Court's lead.

Meanwhile, while things were otherwise quiet, the community found ways to keep busy. (With discourse.)

A Tournament of the Body[edit]

"Y'know. What are the odds the middle of this event is going to be interrupted by a murder, or a real murder?"

โ€“ Lunarietta[97]

At 11:00 UTC, the final tournament of the games began, with delegations from the Court of the Wakeful Eye, the tomb-colonists, the Eagle Clan, and the Elder Continent kingdom of Skite. The tomb-colonists briefly held the lead, before the power of spite[98] brought the Court into the lead, with the Eagle languishing in fourth and the tomb-colonists and Skite battling for second place. Skite's popularity despite their only previous mentions being in Flint, The House of Silk and Flame and The Season of Sceptres cast doubt on the popular theory that familiar factions would outperform unfamiliar ones[99]. Meanwhile, the presence of the tomb-colonists disproved the theory that they had been missing from the last two tournaments because FBG planned to prevent repeated faction wins by keeping winning factions out of future tournaments.

10 August[edit]

"i really like how my entire approach went from "i support the tigers because they deserve to win" to "i support the tigers because they deserve to win" but now the shape of my smile is different."

โ€“ Tolpen, The Soft-Eyed Mycologist[100]

Anticipation grew as the end of the third tournament approached, with the tigers still in the lead but by a narrower margin than previous victors. Meanwhile, the gaps between the Court, Skite and the tomb-colonists in the Tournament of the Body continued to grow.

A Third Tournament Concluded[edit]

"Skite not spite!"

โ€“ SeerSword[101]

At 11:00 UTC, the Tournament of the Intellect came to a close. The Court won, a fact that they seemed unhappy about. A third Correspondence firework was fired off, meaning 'A Negative Impulse, Poorly Resisted'; a third sigil was reported on the Sixth Coil's door, leaving room for only one more.[102]

With only a single tournament remaining, focus turned to the Tournament of the Body, with some making a concerted effort to get Skite to win rather than a second win for the Court.[103][104][105][106]

A Tournament of the Body: Murder Most Foul[edit]

"I am ride or die for the Whispering Duellist now. That woman knows how to murder someone with passion."

โ€“ Pyronar, Temporary Tomb Queen[107]

At 23:00 UTC, a duel between the Whispering Duellist and the Eagle Clan's second culminated in more violence than expected from the violence tournament, with the Duellist nearly consigning their opponent to true death. She was heard to mention the Sixth Coil in the same breath as "torments beyond death" to Feducci, which unlocked several new clues around the city and surrounding environs.

Based on Huffam's dialogue, players assumed the final clue would be unavailable until after the Tournament of the Body, when the Whispering Duellist became available for interview. However, in a startling change of pace from previous clue hunts, the community was unable to find the remaining clue in the first half-hour. While cooler heads suggested waiting for the Duellist's clue, others suggested increasingly deranged locations: During Roof travel, in a rare and entirely random encounter! [112] The sell message for Hesperidian Cider![113] A different game entirely!! [114]

With the option to donate materials unlocked, Skite near-instantly overtook the Court.[115]

11 August[edit]

"Bruno sleeping like a baby knowing he made the last couple clues absolutely stupid hard to find "

โ€“ Mr Red (IGN: redruum)[116]

"Patch note: Fixed George's reading incomprehension"

โ€“ George FBG[117]

At 00:45 UTC, all five of the discovered clues were fully reported. The final two clues remained elusive, with users eventually resorting to extreme lengths: checking the The Mind of a Long-Dead God, a Hearts' Game seven-win run, and even The Black Castle [118]. Some believed both of the remaining clues were time-locked, while others facetiously suggested searching for the missing sixth clue in the notoriously-delayed Hollow Knight: Silksong.

At 6:16 UTC, after over seven hours of consternation, George FBG woke up and confirmed that one of the clues was currently unavailable[119], updating the metatext for Huffam's hint. The increasingly-manic clue hunters celebrated while redoubling their efforts on what they thought was the home stretch. However, 7 minutes later, George announced the metatext had been edited again: neither remaining clue was available yet[117]. Whoops!

12 August[edit]

"i bet the sixth coil is actually legitimately fine and full of treasure. however it does also contain the seventh coil, which is a big snake that hunts you"

โ€“ The Visceral Sybarite[120]

"wait what?!! Nemesis tie in?!!"

โ€“ tom (GOOSE GANG๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿ†)[121]

At 11:00 UTC, the Tournament of the Body concluded, with Skite victorious and the Tiger Keeper heading towards the Labyrinth at speed as a final Correspondence firework - 'To Assemble a Name from Scars' - went off. With the final tournament over and the next stage of the event scheduled for the next day, focus immediately turned to locating the last two clues. Meanwhile, talking to Huffam gave a new Weapon, Huffam's Personal Blend. Instructions describing one of the clues as being Ambition-locked and in a location of importance to the tomb-colonies prompted speculation that it would be Ambition: Nemesis exclusive - both as Nemesis was the only ambition not to have had an exclusive clue in prior Estivals, and as Nemesis involves visiting the Grand Sanatoria of the tomb-colonies.

The sixth clue, Lead: A Whispered Connection was reported[122] by Savato {IGN} at 11:08 UTC in the fighting rings of Watchmaker's Hill, with the final clue, Lead: The Tombs of Old Loves, being reported[123] by silurica๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ at 11:14 UTC in disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies, requiring both the sixth clue and Ambition: Nemesis 17. At 11:30, all seven clues were completely reported.

With all these clues, a picture was emerging. Lead: The Weight of Earth spoke of something kept at a remove from the Is, Lead: Lost Kings called it the Coiler of Hearts. Lead: Entrants From Ages Past implied that those who entered the Sixth Coil in prior cities had been some kind of sacrifice to keep it imprisoned, and Lead: The Furthest Shores, Lead: For Whom the Boat Rows, Lead: Strands of the Motherlings and Lead: The Tombs of Old Loves showing that they had neither returned nor died. Overall, this was a very concerning picture, and Mr Huffam began making plans to contact the winners about it.

13 August[edit]


โ€“ Mr. Messages (Asarta)[124]

Aniticipation built throughout the day, and in accordance with Estival tradition at least one prophetic comment was made[125].

The Earthquake and the Exposรฉ[edit]

"why couldnt they have told us there were clues *before* I fought a dozen tigers singlehandedly (I woulda done it anyways)"

โ€“ Eager Eagle Enthusiast[126]

At 11:00 UTC, the end of the Games was interrupted by another earthquake, bringing the amphitheatres tumbling to the ground. The player, Huffam and various delegates hurried to the Sixth Coil - the obvious source of the disaster - to see the unexpectedly open doors guarded by dozens of tigers. After being turned away - with lethal force if necessary and told we did not know enough to help, a sixth clue hunt began so that we could learn what was needed to help.

The Google Doc in which both clue locations and checked locations were recorded can be viewed here: [5].

At 12:39, all seven clues were fully reported, unlocking Attend a meeting of minds[136]. With this, Huffam printed his special, and in short measure the victors arrived at the Labyrinth to ask the Striped Officiant some very pointed questions.

It was at this point that the reward for having handed in seven clues (out of 42) was given, In Mr Huffam's Good Graces.

Breaking a Gaol[edit]

"want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want want"

โ€“ Kaos Dragon (ign)[137]

After a tense discussion, the victors and the Striped Officiant agreed to a two-part scheme: to rescue those trapped in the coil, and to keep the Seventh Coil trapped in the Sixth Coil.

Players could contribute in two ways; either by entering the Sixth Coil themselves to map it out and try and locate the rogue Tiger Keeper and the Seventh Coil, increasing A Route to the Centre, or by gathering special items and equipment with which to keep the Coil trapped, increasing Planning for the Coil's Heart:

Much discussion was had about the unusual description of Temptation's Presence, a quality that formed an important part of navigating the Sixth Coil; and there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth amongst wiki editors[138][139][140] when it was discovered that there was an option with random variant text that was only available on Airs of the Labyrinth 100, reminiscent of the Grand Clearing Out's In Their Wake. Much like In Their Wake, this prompted the creation of a Google Doc to collate the snippets.

At around 19:49 UTC, Planning for the Coil's Heart reached its target of 1,000,000.[141]. Meanwhile, A Route to the Centre was much slower to rise, only advancing 4% of the target in the first 12 hours.

It was also confirmed that Estival would remain open and available for people to catch up for "around a week after the endings are first unlocked".[142]

14 August[edit]

"rubbing my little hands together like some sort of creature because the 6th coil Airs 100 locked door has 99 unique whispers. and they're all delicious and also a lot refer to deep lore [โ€ฆ]"

โ€“ starryeyed-seer[143]

At around 10:57, a small tweak was made to allow access to Huffam's Personal Blend even after progressing the story past the final clue hunt[144], and an upper bound on the distance needed to leave the Coil was introduced[145]. At around 11, a timer ran its course[146][147] and the Coilheart victors joined in the exploration of the coil, leading to a significant increase in the rate at which A Route to the Centre increased.

At around 12:29, the profitability of exploring the Coil was increased, with an additional reward for collecting all four of the Burdens therein[148] and a bugfix for Temptation's Presence[149]

15 August[edit]

"they thought of everything. i love you Emergency Interim Substitute Tiger Keeper"

โ€“ werefeathers[150]

Exploration of the Sixth Coil continued apace, with A Route to the Centre rising from just over 2.6 million - 26% of the target - at the start of the day, up to the halfway mark of 5 million by 15:00 UTC and reaching 70.8% by the end of the day.

16 August[edit]

"In the end, it turns out that the most important element to resolve this situation was

โ€“ ribbenquall, Coilquappe[151]

At 11:50 UTC, A Route to the Centre reached its target of 10,000,000 and unlocked the conclusion of the story. After a brief discussion, the player set off with the Coilheart victors to the heart of the Coil. At this point, players received the reward for contributing towards Planning for the Coil's Heart - Coilbreaker's Prints, Glasswork and Insubstantial Gloves.

Upon entering and setting up the Xanthous Arrays in preparation for evacuating the previous tributes, the player and the victors snuck between the Seventh Coil and the tributes while the Tiger Keeper tried to persuade his beloved to stop gathering his mind-controlled courtiers and just get out before the Sixth Coi's doors could be sealed again. Then the player character was spotted, activated the Arrays to momentarily hold back the Coil, and with the assistance of the victors corralled the tributes and got them moving, injured an attacking Tiger Keeper, evaded the vast and unending coils of the infuriated Coil and sealed the centre's door. The player caught a final glimpse of the Coil picking up the injured Keeper, and read into its facial expression what they would. After that, all that remained was a pell-mell dash out of the Labyrinth, and a series of touching scenes as a party began.

Once all that was said and done - and the player had had one last chance to cash out Coilheart Renown - the Banded Prince himself turned up, granting the player and the victors recognition and apology, as well as the Half-Devoured Heart, a Chthonosophy Home Comfort. Afterwards, as with previous Estivals the player could receive one of a handful of unique mementos - Coilheart Games 1899 Commemorative Archway, Parietal Kingscale or 'The Maze of Coiled Hearts', volumes 1-3 - and a Vestige of a Starlit Reverie.

At 12:59 UTC, George confirmed that the Sixth Coil would return as a permanent activity once Estival was over.[152]


"Moral of the story: investigative journalism is expensive. Very, extremely expensive. [โ€ฆ] Congratulations to Failbetter Games. Itโ€™s a brilliant piece."

โ€“ KenShi[153]

It stopped being possible to start the event on the 22nd of August. The event as a whole was scheduled to close on the 2nd of September[154]; after briefly closing on the 2nd, the event reopened and finally closed at 9:30 UTC on the 5th. This gave final values of the world qualities as follows:


  1. โ†‘ Discord, 1 We thought long and hard about how to bring back a competitive element to the summer event in a way that felt healthier for the community.
    2The main headlines are:
    • Lower narrative stakes (it's about sport rather than politics)
    • Much lower mechanical/game stakes (this is emphatically not a 'you get to decide which content goes in the game in the future' thing; it's about the outcome of this one story)
    - Bruno FBG, 22/07/24 13:54 UTC
  2. โ†‘ [1] "[โ€ฆ] In previous years, your participation has affected the pacing of the event. This year, however, your efforts will determine not when events progress, but how: the winners of each of the Games' four disciplines will be determined by your actions [โ€ฆ]"
  3. โ†‘ Discord, 22 August 15:54 UTC
  4. โ†‘ Discord, 11:25 UTC
  5. โ†‘ Discord "CLUESCLUESCLUESCLUES" A screenshot of the tooltip for Lead: Immovable Doors
  6. โ†‘ Discord "Where's the second?" A screenshot of Where should you start your preliminary investigations? indicating 2 clues had been uncovered - Honourablest Member Sans Cipher
  7. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of Where should you start your preliminary investigations? indicating 3 clues had been uncovered - Mr Pipes (ign: Raclette)
  8. โ†‘ Discord "There's one in the First Coil" - ai Catz (not IGN)
  9. โ†‘ Discord "Lead with the Bishop in the fourth coil" - Belphegora (IGN)
  10. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of the storylet Where can the Notable Beasts be Found? storylet, with the What might be found in the Sixth Coil? option visible - Q-45275, Roof-Papacy Expert
  11. โ†‘ Discord "Baseborn and Fowlongpiece has a lead. Hdhdhd" - Sygnett (IGN: Gven)
  12. โ†‘ Discord "The Honey-Addled Detective in Moloch Street has one!" - Savato {IGN}
  13. โ†‘ Discord "FOUND IT" - Fluffernutter (IGN) (ping pls)
  14. โ†‘ Discord "Congratulations everyone yet again!" A screenshot of Where should you start your preliminary investigations? indicating all seven clues had been completed - RHbbcc (IGN: Gobbo Lin)
  15. โ†‘ Discord "The Games are split into four Tournaments, which will each run for three days.
    The Tournament of the Sciences will run from noon BST on the 3rd August until noon BST on the 6th.
    The Tournament of Imagination will run from noon BST on the 5th August until noon BST on the 8th.
    The Tournament of the Intellect will run from noon BST on the 7th August until noon BST on the 10th.
    The Tournament of the Body will run from noon BST on the 9th August until noon BST on the 12th." - Hannah from Failbetter, 10:35 UTC
  16. โ†‘
  17. โ†‘ Discord "more things will happen
    before the first event
    cool your jets" - Hannah from Failbetter, 11:52 UTC
  18. โ†‘ Discord, 6:04 UTC
  19. โ†‘ Discord, 16:24 UTC
  20. โ†‘ Discord, 1:40 UTC
  21. โ†‘ Discord, 3:03 UTC
  22. โ†‘ Discord "The radio static clears once more, this time the area is quiet around the host.

    'Hello, listeners! It seems we've got the last team joining the games just now, some...Surfacers.'

    There is something odd in the tone. Doubt. Perhaps anger. Or envy.

    'We welcome them, of course, however afraid they may be of local customs. Now then, I wish you all are doing well. And to all who participate, good games!'

    There is grumbling before the radio cuts out. It seems the host does not like these ones." - Edward (Moth/Two IGNs), 1:15 UTC
  23. โ†‘ Discord "That flag is precision-designed to be as unhinged as possible. I love it" - The Fluid Professor, 1:25 UTC
  24. โ†‘ Discord "the flag is the flag of the great and glorious nation of koloma, what more do you need" - Yinsie (IGN), 1:25 UTC
  25. โ†‘ Discord "horrible goose nation" - dracjr (she, her), 1:25 UTC
  26. โ†‘ Discord "Oh hey it's Koloman Republic, I was wondering when these guys show up again, so glad FBG didn't forget about them from that one story." - Leander Cormyc [IGN], 1:49 UTC
  27. โ†‘ Discord "Fallen London players when tigers: Yeah I mean they organized
    Fallen London players when underground electric mongolians: I mean yeah of course they're here
    Fallen London players when dead people at olympics: sure that's normal
    Fallen London players when new nation of normal-ass humans: incoherent screeching" - The Fluid Professor, 2:53 UTC
  28. โ†‘ tumblr "i want to study at a koloman university

    i will spell colour as kolomour and use kolodegress kolocelcius. i would watch kolosherlock on KBC all night while drinking a koloma tea with my flatmates. iโ€™ll have kolofish and kolochips every day thatโ€™s worth 5 kolobillion dollar. i would go to kologaff parties every night. i am also more likely to meet kolomans, kolomans, kolomans and The Koloman.

    i wish i was koloman :(

    #HELLO EVERYONE ELSE IN THE FAILBETTER DISCORD. IM POSTING THIS HERE AS WELL.#terrorizing my followers with only the most cursed of content#yin-thoughts#fallen london#for those not in the know; this is a reference to an ancient tumblr post about yearning to be british#we may have been going a little insane over the funny made up goose country " - thegreatyin, 3:15 UTC
  29. โ†‘ Discord "the koloman republic is definitely 100% named after this guy from the 1100s,_King_of_Hungary" - illuminatiswag, 1:56 UTC
  30. โ†‘ Discord "So, Saint Colomon is associated with tongs and was hanged. And he is associated with the cockel hat, which can look like the goose's hat. Hdhdjd" - Sygnett (IGN: Gven), 2:16 UTC
  31. โ†‘ Discord, 11:06 UTC
  32. โ†‘ Discord, 16:04 UTC
  33. โ†‘ Discord "I am explicitly unconfirming this lol" - LukeFBG, 11:54 UTC
  34. โ†‘ Discord "yep. a landlocked country that borders the Adriatic, just ask them!" - Locrian, 21:44 UTC
  35. โ†‘ Discord "One moment they're a landlocked country, the next - their capital is Venice (submerged + next to Adriatic) and they just keep throwing in random stereotypes that Londoners would associate with an European country that it makes me want to smack them if it wasn't so adorable ๐Ÿฆข" - (IGN) Tyr Teg ๐Ÿฆข, 13:41 UTC
  36. โ†‘ Discord, 16:04 UTC
  37. โ†‘ Discord "Forgotten quarter clue" A screenshot of the option Share the Aquiline Assistant's musings
  38. โ†‘ tumblr "I literally made Fallen London history today. I found the third Eagle lead in the Forgotten Quarter. I was the one who found it. The counter went from 2 to 3 when I reported it to Huffam. I literally made history. You all are advancing the story because of me. I'm literally a hero

    &x23;fallen london &x23;red sasha &x23;failbetter games &x23;estival 2024 &x23;the sixth coil" - ekp0133f, 5 August 1:30 UTC
  39. โ†‘ Discord ""CLUE CLUE CLUE" A screenshot of the option The Vault of Impounded Contraband in Concord Square
  40. โ†‘ Discord "Clue in the Khanate"
  42. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of the Begin an intrigue storylet, displaying the clue option
  43. โ†‘ Discord "Parabola laboratory: investigate the result from the heist." A screenshot of the option Investigate the properties of the Xanthous Bulb
  44. โ†‘ Discord "KOLOMEN WINNING" - IGN: Qu1cKsAnD ( :Goose: ), 11:04 UTC
  45. โ†‘ Discord, 9:04 UTC
  46. โ†‘ Discord "...........who found it!?" A screenshot of the results for Where should you look with regards to the Eagle?, showing that all 7 clues had been uncovered - LordPaido, 00:27 UTC
  47. โ†‘ Discord "It's the spider symposium."
    2 "Not me who found it, a friend did" - ted, 00:50 UTC
  48. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of the results for Speak with a member of the audience - The Revered Abolitionist, 00:52 UTC
  49. โ†‘ Discord, 9:04 UTC
  50. โ†‘ Discord "Yes, the Princess' dream is a permanent addition" - LukeFBG, 12:52 UTC
  51. โ†‘ Discord "Kolomans in the lead!" A screenshot of the results text for Take stock of the standings (Imagination) showing the Koloman Republic in the lead
  52. โ†‘ Discord "7 is the only reward bar new titles in the quality QLD." - LukeFBG, 12:54 UTC
  53. โ†‘ Discord, 9:04 UTC
  54. โ†‘ Discord "... I think Koloman Republic might be from the area of Slovenia and Hungary.

    ... They do have islands on their rivers. And it only has a sliver of a coastline, could certainly be landlocked easily.

    And it would place it between the Alps and Carpathians." - Sygnett (IGN: Gven) ๐Ÿชฟ Quack!~, 4:57 UTC
  55. โ†‘ Discord, 11:08 UTC
  56. โ†‘ Discord, 11:12 UTC
  57. โ†‘ Discord "Or we are doing a Build-a-Bear monstrosity and the Tombies provided the Heart." - Pyronar, Temporary Drunk Queen, 11:09 UTC
  58. โ†‘ Discord "To assemble a heart from dust. Something to do with a piece of the mountain? Could the sixth coil be awakened with a shard of the mountain and slowly stirring now?" - barukhazad|KHAAAAAAAN, 15:06 UTC
  59. โ†‘ Discord "Vital intelligece for the totally-not-spy Kolomen." - ๐Ÿ…Finn'๐Ÿ…, 16:56 UTC
  60. โ†‘ Discord, 11:15 UTC
  61. โ†‘ Discord "FIRST" A screenshot of the option Ask for information on tigers and coils
  62. โ†‘ Discord "!!!" A photo of a computer screen showing the storylet The Singing Mandrake (storylet), and in particular the option Drink with the Keeper of the Dyes
  63. โ†‘ Discord "DUCHESS SALON" A screenshot of the option Attend, and ask her thoughts on the Coilheart Games
  64. โ†‘ Discord "Behold" A screenshot of the option Ask local tigers about their Coilheart performance
  65. โ†‘ Discord "Base Camp" A screenshot of the option Your Tigress, in Parabola (Upgraded Tigress)
  66. โ†‘ Discord "Port Carnelian." A screenshot of the option Inspect the records for mentions of the Sixth Coil
  67. โ†‘ Discord "Ok so 7 leads discovered it says" - Corbee
  68. โ†‘ Discord "Has the tiger ballet clue already been reported?"
  69. โ†‘ Discord "(Mothy is the friend who found the ballet clue)" - Phosphor [FL: Lukas Ashveil], 23:32 UTC
  70. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of a Discord message from Frost-Moth King, reading "I WASLITERALLY MAKING A BALLET AT THE TIME" [sic] - Phosphor [FL: Lukas Ashveil], 23:31 UTC
  71. โ†‘ Discord "interesting" A screenshot of the option Descend to the Sixth Coil, showing new text - Graham, The Soul Proprietor
  72. โ†‘ Discord "New action in the Games Storylet" A screenshot of the storylet The Coilheart Games (Storylet) showing Warn London of the dangers of the Games, followed by a screenshot of the results of Warn London of the dangers of the Games - Ictus (IGN: Oculat), 23:37 UTC
  73. โ†‘ Discord "21 clues turn in QLD" A screenshot of the QLD for An Investigative Journalist: - Sacchi, 23:57 UTC
  74. โ†‘ Discord "Now this does make it tempting to make the tigers win and see what happens..." - InfiniteJustine, 23:15 UTC
  75. โ†‘ Discord "Guys, if we make the tigers win, they get eaten! Letโ€™s do this!" - Fluffernutter (IGN) (๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿข), 7th August 11:07 UTC
  76. โ†‘ Reddit 7 August 5:47 UTC
  77. โ†‘ Reddit 7 August 00:08 UTC
  78. โ†‘ tumblr "ALL SUPPORT THE TIGERS NEXT ROUND! they are canonically throwing because they don't want to win, we need to make them win ANYWAY to mess with them

    we can fuck with the tigers if we work together!!!
    #i hope we do manage this #seems like a natural next step #giving very blaseball vibes too #fallen london" - violant-apologia, 7 August 10:02 UTC
  79. โ†‘ Discord, 01:33 UTC
  80. โ†‘ Discord, 14:59 UTC
  81. โ†‘ Discord "I didnโ€™t know it would use the normal Boatman Chess option that raises Nightmares at max [three FBG Discord-exclusive Nightmares emoji]" - Tragedian on a Slow Boat, 11:14
  82. โ†‘ Discord "I am actually kinda mad that they specifically teased Boatman's Opponent being useful this Estival, only to actively punish players for grinding it." - Finn'๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿˆ, 11:24UTC
  83. โ†‘ Discord "uh" A screenshot of Play to lose as well as to win - Kirie (IGN: Kiriรฉ) ๐Ÿ–Œ๐“…จ, 12:35 UTC
  84. โ†‘ Discord "Succeeding with the regular equivalent branch (for B. Opponent 40) has some extra econ rewards, which this foregoes, but the menaces here are less punishing." - George FBG, 12:39
  85. โ†‘ Discord, 22 August 11:08 UTC
  86. โ†‘ Discord "update" A screenshot of the Descend to the Sixth Coil text - Graham, The Soul Proprietor, 11:06 UTC
  87. โ†‘ Discord, 23:03 UTC
  88. โ†‘ Discord "GG card" A screenshot of the option Intercept a likely looking document
  89. โ†‘ Discord "Balmormal, dumbwaiter" A screenshot of the results text for Correspond with the Woman Upstairs about the Sixth Coil
  90. โ†‘ Discord "Theres one in the moonlit chess carousel!" A screenshot of Determine the Endgame showing the clue option
  91. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of Practise with your Copper Cipher Ring showing the clue option
  92. โ†‘ Discord "end of foreign office" Screenshots of The Upper Gallery Records Room and its results text
  93. โ†‘ Discord "VISION OF THE SURFACE" A photo of a screen showing Share your Visions of the Surface with the clue option
  94. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of the results text for Take stock of the standings (Intellect) showing the Court in the lead - Zach [FL: dna_cowboys], 23:03 UTC
  95. โ†‘ Discord [1] 2, 1:12 UTC
  96. โ†‘ Discord "I found it! Someone try Sinning Jenny's boarding school! With the visitor from the surface!"
  97. โ†‘ Discord, 11:16 UTC
  98. โ†‘ Despite now being in Watchmaker's Hill rather than Spite
  99. โ†‘ Discord "I hope people flock to Skite as the runner-up though - it would disprove the old โ€œpeople flock to who theyโ€™re familiar withโ€ and Elder Continent stuff is good shit" - Hespiderean/Mr Menagerie, 17:09 UTC
  100. โ†‘ Discord, 10:18 UTC
  101. โ†‘ Reddit, 11:00 UTC
  102. โ†‘ Discord "Oh, heat" A screenshot of Descend to the Sixth Coil, showing the new text
  103. โ†‘ Discord "now we're campaigning to put a different faction into the sixth coil blender (skite appears popular)" - silurica๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ (no reply ping me), 11:15 UTC
  104. โ†‘ Discord "we need some new blood, go skite" - IGN: Jesse Notasquid, 11:30 UTC
  105. โ†‘ Discord "Guys, I am calling upon all of you: STOP SUPPORTING THE TIGERS AGAINST SKITE!!!
    The tigers are in now and we need someone actually capable to fight off whatever's down there (probably fingerkings).
    - Zodiac36Gold [IGN], 11:44 UTC
  106. โ†‘ Failbetter Games Forum "Tournament of Body. Letโ€™s support the Skite, because novelty and both Tigers and Tomb Colonies have each already won a previous tournament.

    Total shutout for those Khaganate bastards!" - fishandchips, 11:51
  107. โ†‘ Discord, 23:08 UTC
  108. โ†‘ Discord "Diary of the Dead" A screenshot of the option Search for very particular entries
  109. โ†‘ Discord "WASWOOD" A screenshot of the option Reach for a lost possibility
  110. โ†‘ Discord "Tanah-Chook" A screenshot of the clue option
  111. โ†‘ Discord "Creditor" A screenshot of the option What does it know of the earth beneath the Labyrinth?
  112. โ†‘ Discord a rare event on travelling between areas for firmament - Mouseymoment, 05:57 UTC
  113. โ†‘ Discord Anyone checked the sale text for cider to see if it has a clue? - Treadwheel [IGN], 06:35 UTC
  114. โ†‘ [2] ya kno how we had those people looking for fallout london last week or two weeks ago or however time works? clearly they were plants by FBG to hint that the clue is actually in that game! - Reaperfromtheabyss (IGN)[ping me], 06:09 UTC
  115. โ†‘ Discord "Skite in the lead now!?!" - Reaperfromtheabyss(IGN)[ping me] 23:02 UTC
  116. โ†‘ Discord, 06:00 UTC
  117. โ†‘ 117.0 117.1 Discord "Patch note: Fixed George's reading incomprehension" An image of updated Huffam text, stating that 5/7 clues were found and 2 are currently unavailable - George FBG, 7:23 AM UTC
  118. โ†‘ [3] Spoilers for the Deeper Discordant Studies! ...The clue wasn't in the Black Castle! - Dawn {IGN: Dawn Oversol}, 4:42 AM UTC
  119. โ†‘ Discord "I have updated the metatext." An image of updated Huffam text, stating that 5/7 clues were found and 1 is currently unavailable - George FBG, 7:16 AM UTC
  120. โ†‘ Discord, 10:09 UTC
  121. โ†‘ Discord, 11:54 UTC
  122. โ†‘ Discord "Ring of Roses - Fighting Rings."
  123. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of the storylet Tombs in the Tomb-Colonies
  124. โ†‘ Discord, 10:11 UTC
  125. โ†‘ Discord "what are the chances that there's a fingertiger/tigerking (? both sounds terrible) in the sixth coil" - ๐ŸŽ„MisterGooster๐ŸŽ„, 10:05
  126. โ†‘ Discord, 11:14 UTC
  127. โ†‘ Discord "First, in the labyrinth of coils new storylet" A screenshot of the results of Search the Tiger Keeper's office
  128. โ†‘ Discord A screenshot of A Dream of Thresholds
  129. โ†‘ Discord "New parabolan hunt" A screenshot of Track down the mirrors of the Sixth Coil
  130. โ†‘ Discord "Far Arbor!" A screenshot of Petition Her Roseate Splendour for knowledge on Is and Not
  131. โ†‘ Discord "Parabolan Parable has a clue"
  132. โ†‘ Discord "It says now 6 clues are found? What was the sixth?" - Etienne Bondeur, 11:54 UTC
  133. โ†‘ Discord "Other discord, wakeful eye all ministers 20 tribute" - Mr. Pages & Mr. Hearts, 11:57
  134. โ†‘ [4] A link to a journal entry on golver5's profile with the results text for Leverage all of the diplomatic power at your disposal - Fluffernutter (ping pls) (IGN!), 11:59
  135. โ†‘ Discord "I FOUND IT" A screenshot of Peruse a book bound in banded scales
  136. โ†‘ Discord "Go go go!!!" A screenshot of Attend a meeting of minds
  137. โ†‘ Discord, 19:10 UTC
  138. โ†‘ Discord "Oh is this a fucking GCO lacre situation" - Mr. Messages (Asarta), 14:32 UTC
  139. โ†‘ Discord "the wiki is going to suffer" - Q-45275 (SKITE IT HIGH ๐Ÿฉธ !!!), 15:04
  140. โ†‘ Discord "oh we only did 77 back then huh
    we did 99 this time" with 23 :redactedfl: reactions - Bruno (FBG), 14:54
  141. โ†‘ Discord "LET'S GO EVERYBODY ๐ŸŽ‰" A screenshot of Planning for the Coil's Heart showing a value of 1,001,150 - Mr Cups, 19:49
  142. โ†‘ Discord "Estival will be left open for people to catch up, play through the story, etc., for around a week after the endings are first unlocked. We'll be able to give a date once you've reached the end." - LukeFBG, 13:11 UTC
  143. โ†‘ Tumblr, 18:28 UTC
  144. โ†‘ Discord "Yo, quick QoL tweak: if you missed Huffam's Personal Blend you can grab it in 'Breaking a Gaol'. We try to make these fun bits unmissable, but the blend was a late addition to the party" - LukeFBG
  145. โ†‘ Discord "Another quick little tweak to the Sixth Coil: There's now an upper bound on how far you have to walk back after resolving to leave. It's still high enough that you may need to walk backwards too far, but should be a little less brutal for people who decided to wander around for entirely too long." - Bruno (FBG), 10:58 UTC
  146. โ†‘ Discord "Also, is this new? I recall not seeing it an hour ago" A screenshot for the result of Contemplate the Coil with renewed focus - Name Generic [IGN], 11:08 UTC
  147. โ†‘ Discord "Oh, it was on a timer as well" - Mr. Messages (Asarta), 11:09 UTC
  148. โ†‘ Discord
    August 14 bonus Patch Notes
    Sixth Coil:
    • Upped baseline profitability a skosh.
    • Added a bonus reward for turning around if youโ€™ve collected all four Burdens.
    • Thereโ€™s now an upper bound on how much โ€˜Coiling Ever Deeperโ€™ you have to lose to leave the labyrinth.
    • Fixed a bug where Temptationโ€™s Presence was incrementing rather than being set to 1, causing it to (confusingly) keep increasing over and over.
      - Bruno (FBG)
  149. โ†‘ Discord "Re: Temptation" A screenshot of another Discord message, reading "I think people are confused about this because it was bugged for the first day, but temptation's presence just has a chance to be on or off each step. Because this chance increases as you go deeper, it'll always be on past a certain point. But it's possible for it to trigger and then untrigger" - Mr. Messages (Asarta), 20:35 UTC
  150. โ†‘ Tumblr, 5:00 UTC
  151. โ†‘ Discord, 12:29 UTC
  152. โ†‘ Discord "Sixth Coil will be back some time after Estival fully concludes."
  153. โ†‘ Failbetter Forums, 22 August 8:37 UTC
  154. โ†‘ Failbetter Forums "The Coilheart Games draw to a close! Those who have not yet begun the event, but still wish to, have until this Thursday, August 22nd. The event will fully close on Monday, September 2nd, so make sure to conclude by then. Estival Tokens can be retained to spend in future Summer Events, but any unspent Coilheart Renown will be cleared when we close the event." - GeorgeFBG, 19th August 13:25 UTC