Ask for help with a little sabotage

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Making Use of Cats

Appeal to the cats' nature - they are territorial and playful animals. Ask them if they wouldn't mind shredding a rope or two[…] just before a certain messenger is due to make a run... and throw in a rat or two to ensure cooperation.

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Unlocked with Making Use of Cats 5, 3 x Rat on a String

Challenge information

Narrow, Making Use of Cats 3 (50% base)

  • 5 - modest (70%)
  • 6 - very modest (80%)
  • 7 - low-risk (90%)
  • 8 and above - straightforward (100%)



The cats have exercised their claws extensively on the rope you specified[…] As soon as he sets foot on this particular bridge, his weight causes the frayed cord to break[…]

[…]you catch his bag with a graceful movement that even the cats applaud[…]

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Rare Success

Deeper secrets

Perfect[…] his bag[…] is just bursting with fabulous secrets[…]

One of the cats is reading over your shoulder. 'Ooh,' it says. 'They shouldn't be saying that about the Shroud, you know.' You ask it what it means, but its mouth is now full of rat[…]

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Capricious creatures

The cats are willing to help[…] The cats[…] don't get round to clawing through the rope until long after the messenger has passed[…] they claim their reward. Even though by then, you are the next person to try to cross that[…] bridge...

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