Assemble a Tasting Flight of Targeted Toxins

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From: Explore the Significance of your Emetic Revelations

This will require many ingredients – most of them unhealthy to the common palate.

Game Instructions: This will give you a very high value item.

Unlocked with 50 x Emetic Revelation, 125 x Discriminating Aconite, 625 x Jar of Holy Sanguinarine Ointment, 500 x Hand-picked Peppercaps, 625 x Venom-Ruby, Kataleptic Toxicology Studies 2, Kataleptic Toxicology 8


Carefully chosen

The first step is to ponder the purpose[…] What parts of the personality should it modify? […]

Once you have chosen your ingredients[…] Each toxin must be carefully prepared[…] Without dying. While remaining yourself. […] It is delicate, slow work.

[Find the rest of the story at]


The below is analysis of profit about this action for endgame players especially with a hellworm. After many rounds of milking, along with Repackage the lot and Go into production, there's lots of Emetic Revelation, Discriminating Aconite and Holy Sanguinarine Ointment, at the ratio of 1:127:131 in theory. The EPA depends on what is short.

Not Short of the 3

Grind 42.75 Venom-Ruby per action, see The Prelapsarian Museum (Guide).

Grind 10 Hand-picked Peppercaps per action, see Help bring in his crop. If you have sufficient Nightsoil of the Bazaar, Buy already-picked mushrooms with Nightsoil is better.

The EPA is 1562.5/(625/42.75+500/10) = 24.2

Short of Revelation

Grind 5 Emetic Revelation in 22 actions once a week, see Money-Making/Lategame#Receive the latest 'reports' from your 'agent' (easy). Suppose the Zee-EPA is 3. The EPA is (1562.5+18*10*3)/(625/42.75+500/10+22*10)=7.39

Suppose you can grind 51 Maniac's Prayer per action. Then upconvert them to Correspondence Plaque. Finally use The Precocious Engineer to grind Emetic Revelation in bulk. Neglecting travel cost ,the EPA is 1562.5/(625/42.75+500/10+50 * (105/20+1+500/51)/(105/20)) = 7.18

Short of Revelation And Ointment

Grind 5 Holy Sanguinarine Ointment per action, see Prepare a Holy Sanguinarine Ointment.

The EPA is 1562.5/(625/42.75+500/10+50 * (105/20+1+500/51)/(105/20) +625/5) = 4.56