Battling the footsoldiers: bait a trap with rostygold

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Bad Case of Rattus Faber

They like rostygold, eh? Perhaps that can be used against them.

Unlocked with Troubled by Vermin 18 - 35, The Airs of London 0 - 40, 10 x Piece of Rostygold

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 22

  • 16 - very chancy (43%)
  • 19 - chancy (51%)
  • 23 - modest (62%)
  • 27 - very modest (73%)
  • 30 - low-risk (81%)
  • 34 - straightforward (92%)
  • 37 - straightforward (100%)



The rats are by nature wary of traps: but there is a curious hunger in the eyes of some of them for rostygold. You bait the traps accordingly. Avarice overcomes prudence, and you have a pile of furry corpses to add to your collection.


Give that back!

Snap! A couple of rats fall before the others adapt. You hear tiny peals of laughter as they scurry off with the rostygold they took from your traps with little jemmies.