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"don't tell me this is actually the tiger keeper trying to celebrate his fingerbae's anniversary or sum shit" - Matcha | SKITEROCKET TO VICTORY, 8/8 11:09 <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>

What is inside the Sixth Coil?
They say inside the Sixth Coil is a King of the Tigers, gaoled for crimes only the Minister of Enigmas knows. They say inside is a Catastrophe the cats have given thousands of lives to bind. They say inside is a lone lectern with a deerskin-bound book, a cadastre of the Crown of Koloman.

- is what one of those could say - Hythonia (IGN) 🦅, 9/8 9:06 <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>

"Wait one moment, let me see…

But it is the oddly-designed craft of the Koloman Republic that have the edge in the race. Even with useless vestigial sails, even with hulls meant to navigate rivers in the front and traverse broad ocean in the back, they are able to pull ahead of their competition. How? And then you see it, just barely; there is something in the back, powering the boat’s engines. You have seen its design before, in the blueprints of spies: one of Rudolf’s Engines.

The craft roars through the finish line almost as loudly as the excited cheering of the crowds. The Koloman sailors dance in celebration, occasionally bumping into each other as their steps conflict. Almost immediately after, they begin to argue over what colours the ceremonial bunting should be." - Hespiderean/Mr Menagerie, 8/8 00:18, <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>