From Fallen London Wiki

The Khanate! Of course! Thank you, but hmmm... I would not venture as far as to assume a 6.14 Action per 2 <a href="/wiki/Vital_Intelligence" title="Vital Intelligence"><img alt="" src="/w/images/thumb/a/a2/Surmise.png/20px-Surmise.png" decoding="async" width="20" height="26" srcset="/w/images/thumb/a/a2/Surmise.png/30px-Surmise.png 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/a/a2/Surmise.png/40px-Surmise.png 2x" /></a> <a href="/wiki/Vital_Intelligence" title="Vital Intelligence">Vital Intelligence</a>s with Balmoral Larceny as, that assumes out of 8 possible cards, you will always, perpetually get the card, which is unfeasible among 8 cards and 3 slots.