Faulty premise of EpA:

From Fallen London Wiki

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I came here today to politely disagree with the status quo.

On the basis that the most notable EpA option is realistically non-viable due to the inclusion of <a href="/wiki/Human_Ribcage" title="Human Ribcage">Human Ribcages</a>. Hard-to-liquidate resources that require a far more taxing amount of actions for a far less substantial gain. Say, selling it to the <a href="/wiki/Sell_her_a_human_ribcage" title="Sell her a human ribcage">Pedagogically Inclined Grandmother</a> at 15 <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1245547">html[data-flw-theme="dark"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(70%)sepia(4%)saturate(1224%)hue-rotate(1deg)brightness(102%)contrast(89%)}html[data-flw-theme="light"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(3%)sepia(5%)saturate(6260%)hue-rotate(351deg)brightness(96%)contrast(99%)}.mw-parser-output .flw-echo{vertical-align:-8%;margin:0 -6px}</style><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> per ribcage, the total EpA will be around 5.96. As yet admirable, it is still far lower than feeding ahem..., gifting Orphans to Tigers. If we turn to augmentations in the Laboratory, not much luck there, as even at a rate of 30 RpA, all options leave us with low estimates. So, unless a human-ribcage-friendly B.M. recipe is utilized, they will amount in inventories, dragging down the EpA. This is not optimal.

P. S. The <a href="/wiki/Create_a_Flourishing_Ribcage" title="Create a Flourishing Ribcage">Helicon House</a> option is even worse, as it gives -12.5 <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1245547"/><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> value for one action