Consider navigating the Sixth Coil

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Way Forward

Action Cost: 0

Somewhere within the Coil, the Tiger Keeper plots with the prisoner, and long-suffering tributes linger still. But how are you going to find them?


Lost in strange lands

[...] "[...] The prison we now call the Sixth Coil was built [...] to be disorienting, an ever-changing trap. [...] it will nevertheless need to be explored and mapped, to locate the Keeper and the Seventh Coil within its depths."

[...] "[...] There remains always a risk of imprisonment."

Success Instructions: Enter the Sixth Coil and explore its depths. The cell of the Seventh Coil is hidden at its heart – after enough sorties into the Coil, you may just learn enough to plot a route to lead you safely there.