Consult the Clandestine Curate (Parish Council)

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From: Consulting the Parish Council

Action Cost: 0

From within their confessional box, the Curate issues considered advice. Occasionally you do have to ask them to repeat themselves.

Unlocked with Church: Deacon exactly 1


A muffled opinion

(See table below)

Description summary:
The advice given varies based on the Decision before the Parish Council.

Decision before the Parish CouncilDescription
1: DedicationFrom within their secluded box, the Curate indicates a preference for Saint Cecilia. "Roses are universal," they mutter. "Everyone likes roses."
2: Decoration"We should dazzle the eye and delight the heart," the Curate says their voice slightly muffled, "All will be well with enough gold. And then maybe a little more."
3: Liturgy"Everyone should be welcome. We ought to foster a spirit of community." A long silence. "Provided they don't enter my confessional, that is."
4: Old Churchyard"We could keep a herb garden there instead," the Curate says. "But if you're digging up the bodies – I have no opinion. Unless you dump them in my confessional box then— I shan't tell you what I'll do!"
5: Collection Plate"Publicly and loudly," the Curate says from within their box. "Everyone should know how wonderful we are. And virtuous too."
6: Drummer's Pilgrims"They should find all they need within the arms of our church," the Curate says absently. "Why should they trouble themselves with old relics when the spirit lives here?"
7: The Drummer's DueThe Curate sighs. "This noise is shaking my box. Dreadful! But some people cannot be reasoned with. The best thing you can do in such circumstances if outdo them." There is a suggestion in their tone that they'd rather it were you than them [...]
8: Daughter Church[...] "I'd suggest somewhere likely to attract a good traffic. Jericho is on the canals, most people pass through the Magistracy at some point. Balmoral is a sad backwater and Station VIII is a factory. Ealing Gardens is nice [...] in a tepid sort of fashion."

[Find the rest of the story at]