Dazzle the crowds and judges

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Opportunity for Excellence

Imagination; invention; intellect; body. Enter a flurry of events across the length and breadth of the Games, carefully calculated to play to your strengths.


Excellence in all fields

You dazzle in mycological flyting, […] no doubt as to the winner.

Next, the contest of gadgetry, […]

The contest of riddles […] you are awarded the win on points.

Finally, […] a freeform race over the rooftops, […]

[…] "Once, this distinction meant a warrior was ready for war." […]

Description summary:
Part of the first paragraph varies depending on whether you have An Admirer of Art.

An Admirer of ArtEffect
NoThe final is between you and a Struggling Artist – an old hand at the Singing Mandrake.
YesThe final is between you and a Struggling Artist – an old hand at the Singing Mandrake. He nods in acknowledgement of your history.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]