Destination: Polythreme
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Cat and Mouse (Guide) |
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Zailing (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The animate heart of the Sea of Voices. Where Clay Men come from, and all things are alive.
Unlocked with Screaming Map (hidden)
Storylet appears in Your Cabin
Set a course
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withScreaming Map
You have moved to a new area: Poring over the Maps
You are zailing towards Polythreme. (Sets
Zailing to Destination: to Polythreme)
Hidden effects
An occurrence! Your 'Zailing to Sea Zone' Quality is now 3! (hidden)
An occurrence! Your 'Ready to chart a course' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
An occurrence! Your 'Route Description' Quality is now 10 *
Zailing on: +
Zailing to Sea Zone! (hidden)
Zailing on: =
Zailing to Sea Zone:
An occurrence! Your 'Zailing locally' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
An occurrence! Your 'Distance Clockwise' Quality is now
Zailing on: -
Zailing to Sea Zone (mod 6)! (hidden)
An occurrence! Your 'Distance Anticlockwise' Quality is now
Zailing to Sea Zone -
Zailing on: (mod 6)! (hidden)
Destination: Dock at Polythreme Redirects to: Chart a Course