Discuss the matter
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Prisoner's honey and the jewel-thief
Have a sober talk with him. Let him know you are willing to help if he needs you.
Challenge information
Broad, Persuasive 21
- 15 - very chancy (42%)
- 18 - chancy (51%)
- 22 - modest (62%)
- 25 - very modest (71%)
- 29 - low-risk (82%)
- 32 - straightforward (91%)
- 35 - straightforward (100%)
"It means so much to me"
You broach the subject […] and offer a sympathetic ear […] It turns out his honey habit has been preying on his mind, as much for the expense as the cost to his sanity. [He] entreats you to take away his supply, so he is not tempted […] tonight.
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Persuasive is increasing…
You've gained 10 x Drop of Prisoner's Honey
An occurrence! Your 'Seduction: Honey-Sipping Jewel-Thief' Quality is now 6!
A world of his own
You settle down for a quiet talk on the subject of honey. But your gentleman friend is not forthcoming. In fact, he's positively unwilling to discuss his habit with you. Did you say something wrong?
Persuasive is increasing…
An occurrence! Your 'Seduction: Honey-Sipping Jewel-Thief' Quality is now 2!