Dock at the Midnight Moon (Repeat)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Mooring your Airship

Description summary:
The description varies with Upon the Belly of the Whale.

Upon the Belly of the WhaleDescription
1Once, a smuggler's haven. Now, the fountainhead of all that ails London below.
10Smuggler's paradise and pelagic secret. Last staging post before the wilds of the Miser-Roads.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Roof Destination: The Midnight Moon, Firmament 105


Making whalefall

Description summary:
The description varies with Upon the Belly of the Whale.

Upon the Belly of the WhaleDescription
1The column of water is visible first, a waterfall of impossible height. And then the leviathan, [...] that biblical flood coursing from its mouth. [...]

You are forced to wait a long time for a mooring. Few masts remain that are high enough to avoid the waters.

10Dirigibles crowd the moorings […] Harpoon-guns embedded in the spire enforce the Moon's order on the throng. […] Eventually your ship is guided to a gantry […]. […] Here, at the confluence of ancient beast and ancient stone, a dozen smoky bargains are made every day.

[Find the rest of the story at]