Donate some scrap iron and old wood

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Purchase Estival Tokens

The scattered remnants of old projects, kept because you always thought you might use them for something. Here, at last, is that something.

Game Instructions: This will give you 30 Estival Tokens that can be used to purchase seasonal items during the Tournament. You will be able to purchase more with Fate afterwards.

Locked with Estival 2024: Free Token Gift (hidden)



A Striped Overseer […] prods a wooden board […], and leaves a soft imprint in the wood. It's obviously riddled with damp. After a […] pause, she hands over a bundle of tokens and deposits your entire contribution into a crate labelled 'for the cheap seats'.

[Find the rest of the story at]