Drink and be damned
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Ambition: Bag a Legend! 29
Remember, the last person to take a swig from this bottle ended up dead and missing important parts of his face.
Game Instructions: Warning! Once you drink, there is no going back. Be sure you are prepared to take a leave of absence from the Fifth City - and to face the Vake. You won't be able to change outfits here; expect Dangerous challenges ahead.
Unlocked with Hearing Things...or are you? 4
Into the abyss
You let a single drop fall onto your tongue […] Running towards the Carnival […] You leap, impossibly high, arcing into the abyss beneath the wheel and tumbling down into the very entrails of the world […]
"Ah, there you are," says a familiar voice.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
You have moved to a new area: The Abyssal Depths
Ambition: Bag a Legend! has increased to 30 - Hunt the Vake in the Abyssal Depths!
Hearing Things...or are you? is increasing… (+2 CP)