Examine the Beast, Carefully
From Fallen London Wiki
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A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Tale of the Clay Highwayman (Guide) |
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From: The Clay Beast
Will it let you approach?
Locked with Befriending a Beast (hidden)
A cautious welcome
[…] Its metal body is made out of iron bands wrought and twisted around one another, like muscles […] its metal body is inscribed with lettering.
"Ach, she seems to like ye," remarks the Burly Lieutenant. "Usually she knocks the new fellows on their arse."[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Investigating... is increasing… (+5 CP)
You are a little better acquainted with the Clay Highwayman's Iron Beast. (Sets
Befriending a Beast to 1)
You've lost 1 x Waiting on a Ransom