Investigating (Guide)

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Ladybonessmall.png Early MYN Content and Onwards
Seeking... Summary
Variable-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
0 A 5+ A 1 A


Raise Investigating... to 5. All sources of fascinating are fungible.
Items Inputs/Outputs
Raw EPA 0.76 Raw SPA -
Special Heights of Chicanery is the only repeatable, and thus only one included.

Investigating... is a progress quality that can be gained and spent in a variety of endeavours, most of which are interchangeable.

The best early-game sources of Investigating are part of the Making Your Name storylines:

In the late game, you can continue to use the early-game sources as long as you haven't concluded the storylines that lock (i.e. the Curate, and the University). Additional sources open up at Helicon House in Ealing Gardens and when Captured by the Clay Highwayman! after building to Balmoral, both part of the Railway storyline.

Most uses for Investigating are related to the same storylines in which you gain it. Once you've finished these stories (i.e., you've opened all the areas in Helicon House, followed up rumours of Cornelius, and played through the Clay Highwayman story), there aren't many uses for Investigating. If you've kept the Curate and University stories open, you can conclude those at this point and use Tricks of the Courier's Trade to both gain and spend Investigating (mainly useful for grinding Cryptic Clues).

Gaining Investigating...[edit]

Intrigue: The Curate and His Sister[edit]

Can only be started with A Name Signed with a Flourish exactly 3 in Veilgarden once you have Persuasive 33.

Once started, this storyline can be completed at any time, but cannot be restarted once the Flourish storyline is advanced past 3. Meaning that, as long as you want to use these options to grind Investigating, do not play the Complete your acquaintance storylet! (Doing so is not necessary to advance Flourish.) Once you have Watchful around 100, the University grind above is a better source of Investigating, and this storyline can be safely completed.

Card Storylet Requirements Challenge Gain
Gossip with the Melancholy Curate's servants Charm information out of them Investigating... 7 Max Persuasive37 3 CP (Rare: 4 CP)
Attend a service at the Melancholy Curate's church Watch and listen Investigating... 3-8 Persuasive38 3 CP
Does the Melancholy Curate have a connection with St Dunstan's? Ask around about the Curate Investigating... 7-20 Persuasive42 2 CP
Present your compliments to the Curate and his sister... Knock on the door with a bunch of fresh fungus Investigating... 8-14 Persuasive37 3 CP
Delve into the secrets of the Curate and his sister A tale of woe Investigating... 10-20 Persuasive39 3 CP (Rare: 5 CP)
Delve into the secrets of the Curate and his sister Up the back stairs... Investigating... 10-20 Shadowy25 3 CP (Rare: 5 CP)
Read poetry with the Melancholy Curate and his Sister Propose the reading of something improving Investigating... 14 Persuasive39 2 CP (Rare: 3 CP) (Failure: 1 CP)
Read poetry with the Melancholy Curate and his Sister Propose the reading of something stimulating Investigating... 14 Persuasive42 3 CP (Rare: 5 CP)

The Heights of Chicanery[edit]

Investigating Gain
Storylet Option Req. Challenge Success Rare Success Failure
The Tricks of the Courier's Trade Spy on the couriers 85  +2 CP 
  • +2 CP 
  • +1 CP (up to 7) 
+1 CP 
Spy on those who supply them 90  +3 CP 
  • +3 CP 
  • +1 CP (up to 7) 
  • -1 CP 
  • +1 CP 
Spy on the Topsy King's court 95  +3 CP 
  • +1 CP 
Deploy your Suspicious Iguana Suspicious Iguana 70%  +2 CP 
  • +2 CP 
  • +1 CP (up to 8) 
  • +1 CP 

Featuring in the Tales of the University[edit]

Unlocked with Featuring in the Tales of the University 9–24 in The University (see Guide and Carousel).

In addition to being a good Investigating grind at mid-level Watchful, the Talk to the Porters option gives a Sudden Insight for a cost of only 25 x Cryptic Clue (about half as many as you receive from each of the other options below!) Since 5 Sudden Insights can be spent on Every stone for 1–50 CP of Watchful, keeping this grind open by not completing the University storyline can continue to be useful into late-game.

Option Watchful Difficulty Success Failure
Head to the library 98 +2 Nightmares
Interview the suspects 100 +1 Nightmares
Conduct forensic analyses 102
Interview students and staff 104 +2 Nightmares
Interview the Department of _______ staff 106 +1 Nightmares
Talk to the Porters 108

The Clay Highwayman[edit]

While Captured by the Clay Highwayman!, you can draw Opportunity Cards with options that gain Investigating...

Card Option Challenge/Requirement Success Failure
Whiling away the hours Search the camp Watchful 210 -1 Waiting on a Ransom
The Clay Highwayman's Gang 1 Play a hand of cards /, and win -1 Waiting on a Ransom
Darkness at the camp Chat to the Burly Lieutenant N/A +5 CP Investigating...
The Clay Beast Examine the Beast, Carefully No Befriending a Beast
A closer look at her eyes Befriending a Beast
Read the inscriptions 2

Helicon House (Guide)[edit]

Action Location Gain Time Remaining Notes
Just the right person Alone, or with a companion? +2 Also gives Casing and Fascinating
The Roguish Semiotician Alone, or with a companion? +2
Your Esoteric Accomplice Alone, or with a companion? +5
Your spouse, the Academic Intriguer
Your spouse, the Devout Intriguer
Alone, or with a companion? +5 FATE
Keep a close eye on everyone present The Entrance Hall +5 2+ Also gives Casing
Slip a few snacks to your Rubbery Hound The Entrance Hall +20 2+ Costs 1 x Hand-picked Peppercaps

Opportunity Cards[edit]

Card Option Location Requirements Gain
Tea with the Inspector Ask for help with your case Fallen London 15 CP
A new piece in the Game Have her help out with your current job Fallen London Shadowy 81-118 4 CP
Your plant is singing Feed a vicar to your plant Fallen London 5 CP
Canal Workers on the Upper River Ply them with lager and see what they'll share Upper River 36-46 CP
Cells outside the City Ask the locals about the risk of bombs Upper River 2 CP
Listen to Rumours of Smuggling Ask the locals over a pint Upper River 2 CP
A Tomb-Colonist Tour Discover whether a certain particular Tomb-Colonist has been riding the rails Upper River 25 CP
Halfway to Hell Keep an eye on the Devilish activities Upper River Involved in a Railway Venture 60 2 CP

Misc Storylets[edit]

Rapid Midgame Grinds[edit]

Card Option Location Requirements Gain
Read a bundle of investigation notes Read incoming mail Your Social Engagements Bundle of Investigation Notes 0.2 * Base CP
Attend to the Dreamer Learn from the Detective's investigation Viric Jungle 20 * Intensity CP

Other Storylets[edit]

Card Option Location Requirements Gain
Visit Madame Shoshana, the Neath's Foremost Clairvoyante Ask for advice on your investigations Mrs Plenty's Carnival 2 x Carnival Ticket 1 CP
Investigation: investigating the Correspondence Stones Investigating the Stones Base-Camp 1 CP
The Correspondence Base-Camp 2 CP

Spending Investigating...[edit]

Except where noted, these options reset Investigating...

Intrigue: The Curate and His Sister[edit]

Once Concluded, this cannot be restarted if your A Name Signed with a Flourish is not 3.

Option Req. Challange Success Failure
Knock on the Melancholy Curate's door 18 19
Knock on the Enigmatic Sister's door 18 19
Do you know...I think both of them are rather charming. 18 26

Heights of Chicanery[edit]

These storylets are available in the later stages of A Name Whispered in Darkness in The Flit. They are repeatable except for What is Going on with These People?

Cashing In
Storylet Option Req. Challenge Success Rare Success Failure
The Heights of Chicanery Raid a Message-Drop
  • +270 
  • reset 
  • +270 
  • reset 
  • +1 CP (up to 8) 
  • -5 CP 
  • +1 CP 
More than just Messages
  • +540 
  • reset 
  • +540 
  • +10 
  • +1 
  • reset 
  • -5 CP 
Dropping the Eaves
  • +536 
  • reset 
  • reset 
  • +540 
  • reset 
  • reset 
  • +2 CP (up to 8) 
  • -5 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • +1 CP 
Making Use of Cats Track a bat heading towards Veilgarden
  • Reset 
  • Reset 
  • 540 x  
  • Reset 
  • Reset 
  • 540 x  
  • +3 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • -5 CP 
What is Going on with These People? Allows you to advance A Name Whispered in Darkness to 7 with Making Use of Bats, Making Use of Cats, Investigating... and Seeking... 5

Featuring in the Tales of the University[edit]

Each level of Featuring from 9–24 requires an expenditure of 5 levels of Investigating... to advance; the storylets are usually challenges based on 2. For a complete list of these, see Featuring in the Tales of the University (Guide).

The Clay Highwayman[edit]

In the clay highwayman's camp, you can use Investigating... 5 in Your Captor, the Clay Highwayman with Learn what you can about him in order to help progress the story. See The Tale of the Clay Highwayman (Guide) for details.

Following up Rumours of Cornelius[edit]

Storylet Option Req. Reward
Offices of the Tracklayer's Union: Evenlode Branch Follow up what you've learned of Cornelius 5
Offices of the Tracklayer's Union: Evenlode Branch Follow up what you've learned of Cornelius 12
A Conversation with Mr Fires Use what you know from its Lackey | 0,3,4 }0-9} Story Continues

Helicon House[edit]

Unlock the Helicon House and new areas within it. Other than unlocking the House, each of these also requires Fitting in 3 and Time remaining 2. Investigating... is not reset by any of these choices.

Storylet Option Requires Unlocks
Tour the Neighbourhood Track rumours you've been hearing 5 (costs 15 CP) Helicon House
The Entrance Hall Work out where honey is being sipped 7 (costs 28 CP) The Upstairs Honey Den
The Entrance Hall Discover where illusions are being staged 7 (costs 28 CP) The Mirrored Salon
The Entrance Hall Be let into the sculpture garden 7 (costs 28 CP) The Sculpture Garden
The Entrance Hall Detect where amber is being boiled 10 (costs 55 CP) Below-Stairs

The Scheme of a Phoenix[edit]

Storylet Option Req. Reward
The Scheme of a Phoenix Find out more about who was writing to Mr Fires via the Balmoral dumbwaiter
The Scheme of a Phoenix Find out whether Mr Fires has continued his correspondence via the Balmoral dumbwaiter (without Twilit Smuggler)
  • 10 (costs 55 CP)
  • EoaHS 70
  • 20000
The Scheme of a Phoenix Find out whether Mr Fires has continued his correspondence via the Balmoral dumbwaiter (with Twilit Smuggler)
  • 5 (costs 15 CP)
  • EoaHS 70
  • 20000

Opportunity Cards[edit]

Card Option Location Requires Reward
Who is the Clay Highwayman? Rely on recent investigating... Upper River 5 (costs 15 CP)
The Clay Highwayman's Gang 2 Inform on the Gang Upper River Any
Officially Non-Criminal (Solve Tracklayers' City crime) The City of the Tracklayers 5 (costs 15 CP)

Misc Storylets[edit]

Storylet Option Req. Challenge Success Failure
Investigating the Stones: Conclusion Find out what he knows Seeking...5 N/A N/A
A bold and original plan Seeking...5 Seeking...8