Expanding your Network
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Khaganian Intrigue (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
You have arranged things just so. Who is caught in your web?
Unlocked with redirect from The Progress of your Recruitment
Storylet appears in Khan's Heart
A Disgruntled Academic
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue at most 309 (Expand your network: Recruit an academic)
A nice day for it
You've gained 1 x Searing Enigma
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Naive Dissident
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 310 - 319 (Expand your network: Recruit a dissident)
You've gained 1 x Stalemate
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
An Immaculate Tailor
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 320-329 (Expand your network: Recruit a tailor)
Tea and crumpets
You've gained 1 x Much-Needed Gap
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Repentant Thief
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 330-339 (Expand your network: Recruit a criminal)
The stillness of the sea
You've gained 1 x Crackling Device
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Shapeless Aristocrat
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 340-349 (Expand your network: Recruit an aristocrat)
A nice day for it
You've gained 1 x Mortification of a Great Power
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 350-359 (Expand your network: Recruit a naval officer)
By the seaside
You've gained 1 x Mortification of a Great Power
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Scorned Diplomat
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 360-369 (Expand your network: Recruit a diplomat)
You've gained 1 x Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Lovelorn Engineer
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 370-379 (Expand your network: Recruit an engineer)
You've gained 1 x Much-Needed Gap
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
A Radical Physician
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 380 - 389 (Expand your network: Recruit a physician)
Good day for it
You've gained 1 x Oneiric Pearl
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)
An Idle Soldier
- Spoiler Action Cost: 0
Unlocked withObject of a Khaganian Intrigue 390-400 (Expand your network: Recruit a soldier)
Lunch, perhaps?
You've gained 1 x Mortification of a Great Power
Your 'Object of a Khaganian Intrigue' Quality has gone!
'Infiltrating...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 1 x Strength of your Khaganian Network
Your 'Scheme Complexity' Quality has gone! (hidden)