Inquire about visiting nations

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Uncommonly Well-Dressed Urchin

Action Cost: 0

Or delegations? It seems that this is not entirely a sporting event.


Far and wide

"Well, the stripes've sent messages out all across the zee. I expect lots of people to come, [...]" He ticks them off on his hand. [...] many words [...] clarifying that the Eagle Clan are not[...] birds. "Then there's some of the old crusties from the Colonies. [...]" He beams. [...]


Description summary:
Some of the description varies based on which delegations have arrived to London.

Coilheart EaglesFirst paragraph fourth sentence
0"The Eagle lot from the Khanate."
1"The Eagle lot from the Khanate showed up already."
Coilheart VisitorsFirst paragraph seventh and eighth sentences
0I 'eard there's even going to be a team from up top! Some country in Europe, or something."
1And then there's the lot from up top! Bit weird, if you ask me, those folks."
Coilheart TigersFirst paragraph last sentence
0"And the tigers, of course."
1"And the tigers are already here, of course."

[Find the rest of the story at]

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