Investigate a commotion

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Intellect: (Any Faction)

The Mutton Island sessions are in play, where competitor draws competitor of equal skill, to determine rankings before the final rounds.

Unlocked with Intellect: Schedule 2, Intellect: The Story So Far exactly 2

Locked with Intellect: Allegiance Swap (hidden)


All's fair

[…]"You should have thrown the match before. I know your orders. […] "You thought that I would not be on guard because of last night? You will not outplay me as you did in Vienna."

[…]"These receive orders from the Surface. She has one, too. Check her skirts."[…]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: New leads for Huffam's story are now available throughout Fallen London.