Invite a Crooked-Cross to address your Salon

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From: The Tower of Eyes: Behind Closed Doors at a Handsome Townhouse

Action Cost: 2

No other salon would entertain so controversial a speaker.

Game Instructions: This will invite a friend to speak at your Salon, if they have the appropriate Profession. Make sure they come, or you'll look like a fool!

Unlocked with 1 x A Salon, Engaged in a Scheme: a Salon 6, The Airs of London 80-100

Your friend needs Profession: Crooked-Cross

When Sent

Fame, of a sort

You advertise carefully: by informing only a select few, from whom you extort terrible oaths of secrecy. Immediately, it becomes the most notorious [...] desired event in the city. Everyone claims they're going, whether to listen, to mock, or to protest.

Your friend will receive:

Envelopesmall.png [Player], courting controversy, has invited you to speak at their salon. They say you can choose your subject...

Once Accepted

You will receive:

[Friend]'s talk is neither puerile nor scandalous. It is founded on questions; questions you had not previously thought to ask. Your guests are enthralled and leave less certain - of many things - than they arrived.

Your friend will receive:

Envelopesmall.png The guests at [Player]'s salon are rapt. They eat your words like the apple from the tree.