London, Falling

From Fallen London Wiki

London is under attack.

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1: War has come to London
2: London is a smoking ruin
3: London must be avenged
4: London must be saved
12 - 14: London must learn the ways of its enemy in order to defeat them
50: The Admiralty has taken the last of the Starved Men into its custody
100: London breathes again, but still doesn't understand why this happened
110 - 120: The Starved captives are talking.
150: You are hearing the tale of the Starved Lithologer
151 - 170: Another faction of the Starved Men seek to turn the power of the sun on London
250: The Starved Men – some of them – are London's new allies
300: The Admiralty has begun reconnaissance operations across the roof
305 - 320: The Admiralty has a plan of attack
400: The fleet stands ready
450: What goes up—
500: —must see it through to the end
600: —must rise
610 - 630: London is taking a fresh interest in horticulture
700: London moves towards a new future, one that seeks mutual understanding with the Starved Men
800: London has not forgotten the changeable nature of its former enemy
900: London has learned from its destructive encounter with the Starved Men, though it is not so rash as to pass judgement just yet

Level Change Text

1: War has come to London.
2: London is a smoking ruin.
3: London must be avenged.
4: London must be saved.
12 - 14: London must learn the ways of its enemy in order to defeat them.
50: The Admiralty has taken the last of the Starved Men into its custody at Wolfstack Docks.
100: London breathes again, but still doesn't understand why this happened.
110 - 120: The Starved captives are talking.
150: You are hearing the tale of the Starved Lithologer.
151 - 170: Another faction of the Starved Men seek to turn the power of the sun on London.
250: The Starved Men – some of them – are London's new allies.
300: The Admiralty has begun reconnaissance operations across the roof.
305 - 320: The Admiralty has a plan of attack.
400: The fleet stands ready.
450: What goes up—
500: —must see it through to the end
600: —must rise
610 - 630: London is taking a fresh interest in horticulture.
700: London moves towards a new future, one that seeks mutual understanding with the Starved Men.
800: London has not forgotten the changeable nature of its former enemy.
900: London has learned from its destructive encounter with the Starved Men, though it is not so rash as to pass judgement just yet.