Making Use of Bats (storylet)
From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The air above the Flit is crowded with bats. But bat-couriers take two particular paths. Some go between two blackened chimney-stacks on their way to the Palace. Other – the most evasive and best-trained head towards Veilgarden.
Unlocked with a redirect from Bats and Cats
Storylet appears in The Flit
Intercept a bat on its way to the Palace
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Making Use of Bats 5
Challenge information
Making Use of Bats 3 (50% base) || 5 - modest (70%) || 6 - very modest (80%) || 7 - low-risk (90%) || 8 and above - straightforward (100%)
The museum and the lord
Shadowy is increasing…
'Making Use of Bats' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 270 x Cryptic Clue
Alternative Success
The museum and the bat
Shadowy is increasing…
'Making Use of Bats' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 270 x Cryptic Clue
Shadowy is increasing…
Suspicion is increasing… (+1 CP)
Making Use of Bats is dropping… (-5 CP)
Track a bat heading towards Veilgarden
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Making Use of Bats 5,
Seeking... 5
Challenge information
Shadowy 85 || 59 - very chancy (41%) || 73 - chancy (51%) || 87 - modest (61%) || 101 - very modest (71%) || 115 - low-risk (81%) || 129 - straightforward (91%) || 142 - straightforward (100%)
Saleable but frustrating
Shadowy is increasing…
'Seeking...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Making Use of Bats' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 540 x Cryptic Clue
Rare Success
A trick of the hands
Shadowy is increasing…
'Seeking...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Making Use of Bats' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You've gained 540 x Cryptic Clue
Embroiled in the Wars of Illusion is increasing… (+3 CP)
Cunning little creatures
Shadowy is increasing…
Suspicion is increasing… (+1 CP)
Making Use of Bats is dropping… (-5 CP)
Seeking... is dropping… (-5 CP)
- Spoiler