Not an entirely fictional character...
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Writer's Desk: rework!
A roman à clef, perhaps? Be careful.
Game Instructions: This can improve a work whose Potential is 110 or less.
Unlocked with 3 x Manuscript Page, 1 x An Identity Uncovered!, Potential 1
Challenge information
Broad, Persuasive 110
- 76 - very chancy (41%)
- 94 - chancy (51%)
- 112 - modest (61%)
- 131 - very modest (71%)
- 149 - low-risk (81%)
- 167 - straightforward (91%)
- 184 - straightforward (100%)
A suitable guise
Mr A_____, thespian, artist, criminal. Has he found peace in the laudanum bottle at last? Or will he rise from his lair to wreak havoc again? How like he seems to someone you once knew. It must be a coincidence.
- Persuasive is increasing…
- Scandal is increasing… (+1 CP)
- You've lost 1 x An Identity Uncovered!
- You've gained 5 x Potential
Mme F_______
Mme F_______ is a character all right, but she just doesn't fit here. Move on.
- Persuasive is increasing…
- You've lost 1 x An Identity Uncovered!
- Scandal is increasing… (+2 CP)