Of Stripes, and Coils

From Fallen London Wiki

Tigers; mysteries; competition. London is full of all three.

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1 - 4: A commotion in Tyrant's Gardens
10 - 60: The Coilheart Games are coming to London
100 - 180: The Coilheart Games are underway
190: The Games are over; the Coil opens soon
200 - 214: Rumbles beneath the earth
220 - 270: The Sixth Coil is blockaded by tigers. Find out why
300 - 364: Explore the Sixth Coil, and plan for a rescue
400 - 425: The incursion into the Coil is underway
450: The Tributes are rescued; the Seventh Coil sealed away
460 - 500: The Banded Prince is in London
510: The Coilheart Games are over, and your thoughts linger on the Seventh Coil
520: The Coilheart Games are over, their mysteries solved
530: The Coilheart Games are over, but they will not be forgotten

Level Change Descriptions

1: When a tiger wants to speak, people tend to listen.
2: Tigers, beast-tamer, and Tiger Keeper. Not your usual picnic.
3: What do they all want? Quickly now, before someone gets eaten.
4: A tournament, and the promise of riches!
10: London is abuzz with the news.
11: Rarely does one see the news looking quite so rumpled.
15: The venerable Mr Huffam seems to think there's a story here.
20: London hums with speculation.
30 - 50: A foreign delegation has arrived in London.
60: The final foreign delegation has arrived in London.
100: The time has come for the Coilheart Games to commence!
101: The amphitheatre is a sea of roars and a vista of stone and jewels. Is it groaning underfoot?
102: It is as if the entire Neath has turned out for the occasion. The amphitheatre judders and sways.
110: Not again – the summer curse – the wood and stone sways and creaks –
111: Relief, like sudden sunlight on bare skin. Could all be well?
120: The swell of the crowd is palpable. There is nothing like a frisson of danger to get the blood pumping.
121: The man simply never stops working...
122: ...while the Tiger Keeper rarely seems to ever start working.
123 - 125: The opening ceremony is a riot of sound and colour.
150: As the ceremony ends, so do the games begin.
160: A tournament concludes; a winner is crowned.
170 - 180: Another tournament concludes; another winner is crowned.
190: The final tournament concludes; the final winner is crowned.
200: The time for games is over.
201: A helping hand in the right place makes all the difference.
202: They won't miss these things when all has settled; there'll be bigger things to worry about.
203: No sense risking your own valuable skin.
210: Something has shifted below.
211: At long, long last, the doors are open. Early.
212: Explanations are not forthcoming.
213: A view blocked by a squadron of tigers is one comprehensively obscured.
214: The Striped Officiant holds no fear for London's constables.
215: The threat of mob violence does not cow a tiger.'
216: How does the truth stack up, against tooth and claw?
220: The venerable Mr Huffam has a plan. Follow him to Veilgarden.
221: That was not wise.
230: It's time for the whole truth, at last.
235: Silence in the office, as everybody reads.
240: Outrage in a panoply of languages. None need any encouragement to march upon the Labyrinth.
245: Faced with so much of the truth, the Striped Officiant completes the picture.
250: There is much even the tigers do not know.
255: A turning point.
260: A threat to the Wakeful Eye is a threat to all that Is.
265: The spirit of these Coilheart Games was to celebrate the Neath. You'll not leave part of it trapped.
270: The problems are linked; the solutions might be, too.
300: The Sixth Coil is open to you at last, and it is not what was promised.
355: You count one, two three... many possible points of failure.
360: There is little enough trust in this room, and you've been a familiar face to all.
361: It is your right.
362: Someone needs to be there to write it all down.
363: You're not about to let them all in unsupervised.
364: You've simply got to know. There's nothing else to it.
400: A maze of twisty little nightmares, none alike...
401: The heart of the Coil is occupied still.
410: Slowly, slowly, through the doors. There is no going back.
420: A signal – released at last – flashes through the treacheries of the device in your palm.
421: You saw love in the Seventh Coil's gaze...
422: You saw the madness in the Seventh Coil's heart...
423: You found a flat and distant interest in the Seventh Coil's manner...
424: You saw hunger in the Seventh Coil's mouth...
425: The light of the False-Stars. The swell of the crowds. Laughter, which transcends language.
450: Rather him than you. Leave the Labyrinth; the night awaits.
460: Into his Majesty's presence...
470 - 490: With royalty, there is always rather a lot of waiting around.
500: The Prince of all the tigers has bowed his head to you.
510 - 530: A bat flaps past. Glim-lanterns burns and flicker. London lives; changes; remembers.