Offer the King your Spinebound Oddity

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Gift of Coral

It may once have been treasure; fit offering for a king.

Game Instructions: This will exchange your coral for an Adornment that increases your Shadowy and Inerrant. You will receive one of three versions of this equipment.

Unlocked with Spinebound Oddity



The King-in-Coral receives your gift with tenderness, like a parent holding their child. The coral cracks and deforms […], as if the subject of a quick and violent riptide. […] Something is contained within this fragile skin of zee-bright polyps […]

Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on the Sights at the Festival.

SightsSecond paragraph
1-33[…] a cigarette case in tarnished silver. […] it is full of perfect roll-ups. The King-in-Coral brings one up to his nose. "Ah. Rosegate." He shuts the case with a soft click. "Its blends are unmistakeable, both in odour and effect. Be careful."
34-66[…] a locket, with a face of polished jet. […] inside, there is a miniature compass, and a packet of sodden gunpowder. "They make these in the Corsair's Forest. I suppose they think it is clever, or funny." A pause. […] "Perhaps it is. But it does not save them."
67-100[…] a pair of cufflinks, made of hammered silver coins. […] 'ONE DAY YOU WILL FORGIVE'. The King-in-Coral laughs. "I doubt the Iremi did this themselves. It is a poor use of their currency. Do you think this person was forgiven, in the end?"

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: There are two other versions of this item with the same stats. You can trade them, like-for-like, with specific traders in 'The Fruit Market', or break open another piece of coral.

With Sights at the Festival 1-33:

With Sights at the Festival 34-66:

With Sights at the Festival 67-100: