Offer to speak about your Orphanage
From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: Among the Monster-Hunting Academics
Setting up such an institution is not easy. You have learned a great deal that might benefit like-minded reformers.
Unlocked with An Orphanage
Challenge information
Broad, Persuasive 120
- 82 - very chancy (41%)
- 102 - chancy (51%)
- 122 - modest (61%)
- 142 - very modest (71%)
- 162 - low-risk (81%)
- 182 - straightforward (91%)
- 200 - straightforward (100%)
An afternoon lecture at Sophia's
[…] functionaries of the club are present. You speak before an audience […]
[…] The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner compliments you on your good works. A woman Vake-hunter shows you an object […] that she assures you came from that monster. […][Find the rest of the story at]
Success Instructions: Head to the Bazaar Sidestreets to continue.
Persuasive is increasing…
You have become familiar with Sophia's. (Sets
Acquainted with Sophia's to 1)
You receive a note from Sophia's secretary. Your services will not be required.
Persuasive is increasing…
Scandal is increasing… (+? CP)