Officiate a Wedding
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Business of a Silverer
A union between two noble houses, both alike in dignity.
Unlocked with Notability 5
Locked with Airs of Industry 31
Challenge information
Broad, Persuasive 180
- 123 - very chancy (41%)
- 153 - chancy (51%)
- 183 - modest (61%)
- 213 - very modest (71%)
- 244 - low-risk (81%)
- 273 - straightforward (91%)
- 300 - straightforward (100%)
Narrow, Glasswork 4 (50% base)
- 0 - almost impossible (10%)
- 1 - high-risk (20%)
- 2 - high-risk (30%)
- 3 - tough (40%)
- 4 - very chancy (50%)
- 5 - chancy (60%)
- 6 - modest (70%)
- 7 - very modest (80%)
- 8 - low-risk (90%)
- 9 and above - straightforward (100%)
To cherish
An aged, one-eyed calico walks you through the numerous vows and oaths required of a noble union among cats. The venue is a darkened church, […] Your words reflect and echo off the stone walls, returning longer and more ornate, shaggy with adverbs.
[Find the rest of the story at]
- Persuasive is increasing…
- [Airs of Industry change…] (random)
- You've gained 410 x Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
- You've gained 1 x Mysterious Client Attention Odds (hidden)
The vows are long, elaborate, and distressingly specific. Perhaps you misspeak when leading the bride through a recitation of her new territorial rights. Perhaps you spend a week finding severed rat's heads sitting on your windowsill.
- Persuasive is increasing…
- Nightmares is increasing… (+2 CP)
- [Airs of Industry change…] (random)
- You've gained 200 x Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies