Override the Last Duchess

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ascending the Gullet

All hands to the rope; all guns in the fray.

Unlocked with Firmament exactly 66


A stitch in time

The Last Duchess blanches […] But there is no time for argument. […] It is a hard slog […] as you enter a tunnel of Moon-Misers in foal. […] You emerge, some mile higher, on an overhang that looks over the dais from which you fell.

Description summary:
The Incandescent Maid (Flora) seems pleased to accompany you; the Stooped Chronicler (David) less so. A herd of pregnant Moon-Misers impedes your progress. Flora distracts them by taking a page from David's book, lighting it afire, and hurling it away down a tunnel. The Last Duchess seems to approve.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]