Pledge your support to the Tomb-Colonies

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Sciences

This does not seem a contest best suited to the Sanatoria's talents. But perhaps they might surprise you. Perhaps they need all the help they can get.

Locked with Science: Schedule is 3 (World Quality, now unlocked)


Old and far away

[…]mouldering blueprints, ancient tapestries and antique models: from these they intend to fashion victory. Amongst the aged almost-dead […]many brilliant minds, eager for one last opportunity […] all of them are better acquainted with history than modernity.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Chequeredflagsmall.png You've thrown your lot in with the Tomb-Colonists of the Grand Sanatoria. (Sets Science: Taking Sides to 4 - The Tomb-Colonists of the Grand Sanatoria)
  • Booksmall.png You've chosen a team to support. (Raises Science: The Story So Far by 1, up to 1)