Present your spouse's inadequacies to the court
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Pursuing a Mutually-Agreed Divorce
"The Ministry insists that persons wishing to enumerate their spouse's flaws must do so with consent; and must open themselves to that same scrutiny."
Game Instructions: Engage your spouse in a Watchful contest.
Unlocked with The Airs of London 50-75, Pursuing a divorce 1, Espoused to (friend)
Challenge information
- 69 - very chancy (41%)
- 85 - chancy (51%)
- 102 - modest (61%)
- 119 - very modest (71%)
- 135 - low-risk (81%)
- 152 - straightforward (91%)
- 167 - straightforward (100%)
The difficulty is base Watchful.
When Sent
Your spouse's presence has been requested
The Glowering Judge rubs his temple, and waves you out. He mumbles something about the Ministry. An Auditor reacts with a sharp tut.
- [The Airs of London change…] (random)
Your friend will receive:
Once Accepted
The winner will receive:
The Glowering Judge narrows his eyes at your spouse and makes a brief note. When you are dismissed, his nod to you is almost sympathetic; you've won the day!
- You've gained 7 x Pursuing a divorce
The loser will receive:
The Glowering Judge glares at you. Why you? Can't he see that awful little smile on your spouse's face?
- You've gained 2-3 x Pursuing a divorce