Propose the kind of station one might find in a sleepy village in Oxfordshire

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From: Convene a Board Meeting of the Great Hellbound Railway

(see table below)

Description summary:
The description varies with Identified with a School:.

Identified with a School:Description
The NocturnalsA mawkishly sentimental construction by Nocturnal standards, but some of the passengers may like it.
The BazaarinesAn embarrassingly plain construction by Bazaarine standards, but some of the board members may like it.
The CelestialsA building in the true Celestial mode would be difficult to build, out there, and in that environment. But this at least suggests the possibility of life under a sky.
The MycologenesFATE
The TerpsichoreansFATE
You reject all labelsA building in the true Celestial mode would be difficult to build, out there, and in that environment. But this at least suggests the possibility of life under a sky.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: Bazaar advocates and those concerned with Society may not like this idea.

Unlocked with 3 x Track Laid, Total Board Membership (Aside From Yourself) 4, Involved in a Railway Venture exactly 100

Locked with Delay until the Next Board Meeting, Approved Station Plans


Brick and painted wood

The building described in your plans is small and provincial, but the sort of building where children might carry picnic baskets and lemonade.


Description summary:
The second paragraph of the description varies with Identified with a School:

Identified with a School:Second paragraph
The Nocturnals[…] It does not acknowledge the darkness that presses around; it has nothing to say about the nature of the Neath. […] But possibly the passengers of the Great Hellbound Railway will prefer it. They so seldom show any aesthetic understanding.
The BazaarinesIt is more a Celestial building than you would ordinarily prefer. No mystery or allusion in its décor. No impression of wealth and elegance. Nothing that hints at the Masters or the Bazaar or even to the family in the Shuttered Palace.
The Celestials[…] not a High or Golden Celestial. It does not soar, […] will not call angels to mind […]

No, this is […] Celestial Gothic […] a romantic, nostalgic style, but without theology or philosophy; only a reasonless yearning for thatched roofs and new-mown grass.

The Mycologenes
The Terpsichoreans
No reward narrative information available for Fate-locked actions.
You reject all labelsIt is architecture in the Celestial mode – or close to it – and perhaps it will speak to society passengers, and to those who miss the Surface.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Conclusion: Take the vote and declare Victory

Redirects to: Debating Matters of Business with the Board